( 015. ) 𝘥𝘪𝘤𝘬𝘴 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘤𝘬𝘴

202 13 53

Dicks are for chicks
Indiana, 1984.

IT FELT LIKE five minutes passed before someone violently woke Steve up again

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IT FELT LIKE five minutes passed before someone violently woke Steve up again. When he opened his eyes, he stared into a wrinkled face, mouthcorners turned down in disapproval. He sat up immediately, rubbing his eyes which were still heavy with sleep.

„Come with me," Mrs Brown demanded and then already started to walk out the door. It seemed urgent, and so Steve went after her in pyjamas. They went to the main house, into the room where they normally had their therapy meetings. Everyone was seated in their usual circle, but the mood was already foul when Steve entered; most stared at the floor. He slipped into his usual seat, right between Eddie and Billy, and looked around for a friendly face that could have explained to him what was going on — without success. He let out a frustrated sigh, then crossed his arms in front of his chest, leaning back in the uncomfortable plastic chair.

„I heard," Mrs Brown had her hands behind her back, walking along everyone's backs like it was some kind of duck, duck, goose game waiting to happen. Steve caught Billy's eye, who must've been thinking the same thing, because he tried hard to contain his laughter. „That some of you snuck out last night to have some fun," he held up a packet of matches, a rooster and the word Cocksucker printed on them. Someone must've lost them on their way back to the dormitory.

„I want to know," she crossed her arms now, still circling the group, „which one of you was part of this. Now!" her voice got louder at the end, so shrill that Steve had to put a hand to his ear in self-defense.

He looked around — everyone seemed to be looking at the floor. Silence. Steve started to nervously nib at his lip, glancing at the clock which didn't seem to move at all. To the right of him, Eddie was playing with his leather bracelet, and to the left of him, Billy was nervously tapping his foot. They were the most suspicious fucks Steve had ever laid his eyes on, but Mary didn't seem to notice. She waited for a little longer and then made her way to her seat, slowly sitting down.

„Well? No one?" she raised her thin eyebrows up so high that it pulled half of her face smooth. „Fine," she stood up, stretching out her arms. „Everyone get ready for the day, we'll meet here in thirty minutes. Whoever is late has won themselves a night in the doghouse."

That sent the group scrambling. Steve went back to the dorm room, getting properly dressed for the day. Showering would have to wait until the evening, but he would not walk around in his pyjamas all day long.

„Morning, Harrington," even though he must've been awake for at least half an hour, Billy's voice was still heavy with sleep, and it sounded so hot that it sent shivers down Steve's spine.

„Hi," his eyes darted to Billy who, much like Steve, was in the middle of changing his clothes. Steve bit his lower lip and he couldn't help but stare. Memories of last night started to fill his head; Billy's hands on his cheeks, the taste of mint and smoke, the warmth of the other's body close to him. He grimaced. Go to conversion therapy straight, come out of it gay.

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