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AFTER STEVE LEFT, Mary Brown seemed to have great urgency to move on with the project as quickly as possible, because the very same day, in the evening, she told everyone to grab a partner of the opposite sex for a lovely date night

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AFTER STEVE LEFT, Mary Brown seemed to have great urgency to move on with the project as quickly as possible, because the very same day, in the evening, she told everyone to grab a partner of the opposite sex for a lovely date night. Billy went with Nancy, as previously recommend by Mrs Brown, and went to sit down with her in the fields surrounding the estate. Sitting down in the grass tickling his skin made his stomach twist. This was all wrong, he was supposed to sit here with Steve. This had been their spot, and he hated to admit it, but he missed Steve so much, even if it had been mere hours since he left.

„The simulated sexual experience's tomorrow already," Nancy played with a blade of grass in between her skinny fingers, her blue eyes entirely matte. There was no shine nor sparkle in them. „Seems like Mary's wanting to rush to graduation," she bit her lower lip.

„The sooner I get out of here, the better," Billy shrugged, trying to sound as cold as possible. When Steve had asked him to leave that morning, he had considered it for a moment. Wouldn't it be nice to just run off with your lover, no care in the world, barefoot and free? Sure, but this was reality, and sappy shit like that didn't get anyone anywhere. Billy Hargrove was meant to suffer for a bit longer. Running away was utopic, and Steve would realise soon enough that there had simply been no place for them to be in love.

„Wow," Nancy shook her head, her perm swaying in the soft breeze. It hadn't rained for as long as Billy had been at True Directions, which added to the almost artificial nature of the place. It was as if it existed in its own universe, in a way, like a barbie dreamhouse or something equally plastic. „You're so cold about it," she turned her head to look at him, „Does he mean nothing to you?"

Billy thought about it for a while. Not that he didn't know; Steve meant a lot to him and it scared him because he never allowed another person to get that close to him, and he didn't even see it coming until it hit him in the face and now he was stuck with feeling like something was missing and he could do fuckall about it. But did he really want to reveal that to someone he barely ever talked to? And more importantly, if he put it into words, it would be real, and he couldn't have that happen.

„He was just another one night stand, Nance," he had to really pull himself together to pull off that mocking, cocky tone that he normally spoke in. He dragged his cigarettes out of his pocket and lit one, taking a pull.

„Oh, yeah? A pretty risky one night stand, don't you think? Is it really that hard for you to keep your dick inside your pants?" She furrowed her brows, glancing over to Billy.

„I mean it is a pretty big dick," he couldn't contain a hoarse laughter when he saw the mortified expression on Nancy's angular face.  „What? You don't believe me? Just wait for tomorrow, princess," he took another pull then blew the smoke into Nancy's face, a big, flashy grin creeping up his face as he started to provokingly lick his lips.

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