( 007. ) 𝘥𝘢𝘳𝘦

233 15 45

Indiana. 1984

THERE WAS FUCKALL to do at True Directions when they weren't working on their ‚problem', Steve realised that day

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THERE WAS FUCKALL to do at True Directions when they weren't working on their ‚problem', Steve realised that day. The house stood in the middle of nowhere, they didn't have access to a TV and they weren't even allowed to bring music.

„Believe me, I've begged Mrs Brown to just give me my walkman back," Eddie shrugged, „but she's so convinced that my satanic music is one of the many reasons I'm gay." The two were sitting on the porch of the bungalow, staring at the nothingness that surrounded them like an ocean. Not that Steve wasn't used to that, he was from a small town in Indiana, after all, but here it bugged him, because he had no means to escape. He missed his burgundy BMW that Tommy was so jealous of.

„Satanic music?" Steve raised an eyebrow, giving Eddie a curious look.

„Yeah, I know, it's a bit less obvious with this little button up," he pinched the collar of his shirt, „but I'm a metalhead, baby," he grinned widely as if Steve was supposed to know what that meant. He raised both his eyebrows in hopes of an explanation, causing Eddie to sigh in frustration.

„I listen to metal," he shrugged, „you know, electric guitars, alleged devil-worshipping, scaring the kids," he raised both his hands like the claws of a monster, sticking his tongue out. His eyes flashed crazily before he erupted into laughter, nudging Steve's shoulder.

„Oh," Steve raised a finger, „I think I heard about that. Some newspaper column about worried parents."

„Something like that, probably," Eddie laughed, scratching the back of his head. „But they're all wrong, it has fuckall to do with the devil, you see— Actually, I might recommend you some bands if you like," he looked at Steve, his brown eyes sparkling, and while the latter never had any interest in listening to that type of music, the way Eddie got excited made him nod.

„Sure, why not?" In the back of his mind, he saw Tommy laughing. Harrington, what the hell are you doing? Talking to a freak, listening to his stupid rambles about dumb music?

„Alright," Eddie stretched out his slender legs, now grinning from ear to ear. He patted his pockets for his cigarettes, taking out one and lighting it, taking a big hit. „So, uh, Metallica are pretty good, they put their second album out last month, and man, it shreds, it's even better than their fi—"

„It's not," the warmth of the sun disappeared at once when someone stood behind them, his arms crossed. „If you really think Ride The Lightning is better than Kill 'em All, you're seriously delusional, Munson," Billy clicked his tongue disapprovingly.

Eddie turned his head to look at him. „Oh, yeah? What do you know about metal, Hargrove? Plus I was talking to Steve, anyways, if you would be so kind and leave?" he put on a slight pout, which Billy returned with a throaty laugh.

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