( 005. ) 𝘢𝘥𝘮𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘪𝘵

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Admitting it
Indiana. 1984

THEY WERE SEATED in a circle, Eddie to his right and Billy to his left, Nancy directly opposite of him

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THEY WERE SEATED in a circle, Eddie to his right and Billy to his left, Nancy directly opposite of him. Mrs Brown sat down eventually, too, and immediately, everyone who talked stopped to look at her. Steve crossed his arms, leaning back in his chair a bit. Maybe they didn't let Nancy out, but maybe because she didn't try hard enough. Or maybe because she was a lesbian. But Steve wasn't gay, so he'd just sit in on this little meeting for fun and then be gone by dinner.

„So," Mrs Brown cleared her throat, her eyes wandering around so she looked at every single camper at least once, „because of our newcomers, Billy and Steve, we're going to do a little recap, okay?" she put on her best attempt at a friendly smile, but Steve doubted anyone seriously believed that. The others slowly nodded.

„Valerie," Mrs Brown pointed at a chubby girl with a buzzcut sitting right across from her, playing with her nails. „Why don't you explain to Billy and Steve what Step one of our program entails?"

Valerie nodded, looking up for a second before she looked down again, playing with her fingers once more, „Step one: admitting you're a homosexual," she then mumbled, so monotone that Steve had no doubt she memorised it from some pamphlet.

Mrs Brown nodded, „Very good, Val. Now," she looked around once more, „why don't we do that? Some of us," she shot a glare at Nancy, „still have problems with it, so it can't hurt to do it again." For a few seconds, she closed her eyes, before she opened them again, pointing at a boy that was sitting with his legs crossed. „Andre, why don't you start?"

Andre rolled his eyes and smacked his lips, scooting around in his chair before he started to talk: „My name is Andre, I'm seventeen, and I'm a homosexual," his voice was nasal and he sounded sassy. This was exactly what Steve imagined gay people to look and be like — so how could anyone mistake him for gay?

Clockwise, now everyone said their name and that they were an homosexual — Robin did, too — until it arrived at Eddie. Steve looked over to him and saw him playing with a streak of his long, wavy hair.

„I'm Eddie and I like to suck dick." Cue laughter, and an appalled Mary Brown crying out Language! Even to the left of him, Steve could hear Billy snort, but when he dared to look over to him, he gave him nothing short of a death glare.

„Me too!" Andre exclaimed cheerfully, and then Eddie and him erupted into laughter once again.

Mrs Brown adjusted her reading glasses, clearing her throat: „Moving on," she pointed a finger at Steve, „Harrington?"

Steve grimaced, „I'm Steve Harrington and I'm sorry to disappoint you," he looked around, „but I'm not gay," he shrugged his shoulders. Some started to laugh, some rolled their eyes, he thought he heard someone say Sure Bud.

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