Boat Party

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I regret coming to the boat party as soon as I arrive. I thought it was a good idea, but I'm too distracted to party. It irritates me that I can't stop thinking about Blade. I am not the type to fall so quickly and intensely. The scenery is stunning, bright lights decorate the outside of the boat, the water glimmering off the moon. I'm relieved to see the pearly white boat is ginormous and full of life. The energy is high, precisely what I was hoping for. I walk onto the boat, telling myself that no matter what I have to do, I'm going to enjoy tonight. I look around for any familiar faces but I don't see any. I make my way to the mini bar and order a Martini.

An obviously drunken guy gives me a lopsided grin as he stops in front of me. "Great party, huh?"

I give him a tightlipped smile back. "I can't answer that question fairly, I just got here."

"Well, we can leave here together if you want." He puts his body weight against bar, trying to look cool. He doesn't though, the way he's leaning over looks like an old man.

I look away to stop myself from smiling. "Where would we go?"

He leans closer to me, his breath reeking of alcohol. "I was thinking my place."

"How are you planning on getting laid, you can barely stand?" I take a sip of my drink.

The man looks at me through glassy eyes. "Who needs to stand?"

I point my finger at him. "You better not be driving yourself home."

"You can always drive me home."

This guy won't quit. "Why don't you go lay over there on that couch and maybe you'll get lucky and I'll stop by."

He liked this. "Okay, I'll be over there."

He takes off to the couch and sprawls across it, his bright blonde hair messy and his shirt slightly lifted, exposing his abs. He wasn't bad looking, but I wasn't in the mood to waste my time, he'd forget all about it tomorrow.

I chug my drink and order another. I can already tell it's going to be a long night. I hate to break it to this guy but there is no way he's getting any girl to sleep with him in his condition and I won't be stopping by until he's passed out. Better than that, I'll probably just tell the host to keep an eye on him.

"Hey girl, guess who's here!" Janessa says walking over to me.

I already knew who she was referring to, Shane. Shane was a guy in most of my college classes that all my friends knew I was crushing on. I'm in no mood to talk to or about Shane though, not with Blade haunting my mind.

"Thank you for the heads up, but I'm kind of over it." I shrug.

Janessa groans, making a pouty lip. "Already?! Are you sure, he looks so cute tonight!"

I sigh and grab my drink. I know that Janessa, like most of my close friends, really wants me to settle down.  "I'm sorry, it was nice of you to bring him for me, I just can't tonight. Let's not let it kill our mood though, we came here to party, right?"

"Right! Let's dance and get drunk!" Janessa grabs a drink.

I'm already swaying towards the dance floor as she speaks. We dance and drink nonstop for about two hours before the alcohol starts to hit me. Out of nowhere, I feel dizzy.

"I should go sit down." I point to the chairs closest to us.

Janessa nods. "Okay, do you want me to go with you?"

I shake my head. "No, you're still having fun, don't let me stop you."

"Hey girls!" Shane comes up behind Janessa. She was right, he looks great in his black button up shirt and blue jeans. His big doe eyes meet my gaze and I look away.

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