The Morning After

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   I wake up giddy as flashbacks of last night flow through my mind. It was like a dream. It was so  astonishing, I needed to check to make sure that it was real. I lifted the blankets and peeked under; I was naked. I smiled. I never imagined my first time would be like that. When I tried to lucid dream the perfect man, I never could've imagined Blade. He's unbelievable in every aspect. It was a strange thing to know that someone could be better than a dream. I looked around the room, the candles still sitting on the dresser, unlit. The morning sun shining down on Blade, sleeping next to me. He had stayed. I now knew for sure that he was serious about me. I got up as quietly as I could and went over and put his gray button up shirt on. I went out to the kitchen and started cooking omelets, humming to myself.

"To what do I owe this pleasure?" Blade leaned against the wall, smirking.

"I figured you cooked pancakes for me, now it's my turn to cook for you." I held a plate out to him. He took it graciously.

"Oooh I like that idea." He smiled at me. He sat the plate down and grabbed my waist. "But I love the idea of you wearing my shirt." He played with the outline of the shirt I was wearing, sending chills down my spine. As his fingers brush my bare skin the craving I have for him becomes so intense it felt like my body was screaming. Is this how everyone feels after their first time? I think maybe if it's right that's how it is. I can't imagine what it feels like if you give that part of yourself to someone who isn't right for you. My heart goes out to those people. The fact that we got discover that side of ourselves together was beautiful. I wonder if he's feeling the same way I am. One thing I love about Blade is he always makes me feel likes he's thinking about me, that he cares. I've never had anyone treat me like that before. It was really meaningful.

"Good, because this probably won't be the last time I steal one of your shirts." I winked at him. For a moment I was transported back to when Blade sat by me on Nikki's couch, watching a movie, and he winked at me. It gave me a warm feeling. It seems that every time I'm with him a core memory is created.

He moves his face just inches from mine. "After last night, you can have anything you want from me."

"Anything huh?" I said, giggling.

He sat behind the bar and took a bite of his omelet. "Anything."

"Be careful what you wish for."

Blade looked me up and down. "I don't know, it's good to dream. I wished for you and I'm thriving."

I sit on his lap. "I wished for you too."

He kissed me gently. "We're so cringy aren't we?"

"Yeah, but I think we're allowed to be right now." I stand up, running my hand across his shoulder.

His eyes follow my hand and then he looks up. "I'm glad you feel that way because I don't think I can stop if I wanted to at the moment."

I sat down beside him. "How's the food?"

"Delicious." He said, taking another bite.

"Good." I took a bite of my own food. I swallowed then turned to him. "About last night..."

He squinted at me. "What about it?"

"I want you to know that it was very special for me." I smiled at him.

He leaned towards me, grinning. "It was?"

"Yeah." I said softly.

"Me to." He pulled my chair right next to his and kissed me.

It's not long before we hear a tired voice coming from the kitchen entryway. "Seriously you guys again? It's like 9am." Smasher fumbled his way into the kitchen, looking exhausted.

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