Car Date At Clementine's Residence

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    "What's going on?" I said, to Blade's back. He had put me down and was standing in front of me, blocking me.

"It's okay, I won't let them hurt you." He moved forward a little to face the oncoming crowd.

   His words warmed my heart, until I realized what they meant. "Why would they hurt me?" I moved to get out from behind him. I figured if these people could hurt me, they could hurt him too. I wasn't about to let that happen. He used his arm to block me.

  "They don't know any better. Some of them don't know what they're doing. I'm not sure what they'll try to do." He watched the people walking towards us. They were screaming, crying, and laughing.

  The man with the raspy voice faced Blade. "I am going to distract them, you guys run. I'll meet you guys out there if I can, but don't wait up."

Blade looked horrified. "No way, this about getting you out of here."

   The man rolled his eyes. "Don't be stupid. I intend on getting out of here man. There's no chance of that happening if we all three get caught though."

"At least take these, just in case. "Blade reached into his pocket and tossed his keys to the other guy.

"Thanks dude." The man with the raspy voice said, smiling, "Now get out of here."

   Blade eyed the crowd nervously and threw me back onto his back. I held on as tight as possible and he ran out the door. "Where'd you park?"

  "My car is right beside yours." I yelled over the rushing wind. His speed made it hard to hang on. He must've been in track. When we reached the gate, he put me down.

   "I'll go up first, when you reach the top, I want you to jump. I'll be at the bottom to catch you." I nodded in agreement. He wasted no time; he reached the top with record speed. I worried about how he would get down safely, but he didn't seem concerned. I watched in amazement as he jumped from tree to tree, each time bringing himself a little lower looking superhuman. I had climbed halfway up the gate when he reached the top, so it didn't take long for me to get there. I was at the peak, looking down. I hesitated. It was terrifying to think my life was in his hands. For me to jump meant I trusted him. I made the leap.

I felt his strong arms around me. I smiled, he caught me.

"I didn't think you were going to do it." He said, smirking.

"I trust you." I said. It felt strange to hear the words come out of my mouth, but there they were.

"You do, do you?" He was still holding me.

I rolled my eyes. "You must like holding me." I smiled as I said it.

"Is that your way of asking me to put you down?" He whispered in my ear.

    "I don't know, my legs are pretty tired." I stretched them out in his arms. He laughed, putting me down gently, then turned away.

"Where's Nikki?" He asked. I felt my heart sink.

   "I'll explain later. She wanted to be here." I began fidgeting with my hoodie and sweatpants, suddenly self-conscious.

"Okay." He peeked through the fence, looking for his partner in crime.

    I came up behind him. "He'll be okay." He kept facing the building. I reached out and took his hand. He stiffened up for a moment and then tightened his grip without looking at me.

    Then we heard sirens coming up the drive. "Can I see your keys." I tossed them to him. He unlocked the doors and opened one in the back, motioning for me to come. "Lay across the floor." I squinted at him a moment, then heard the sirens and laid down. He crawled on top of me.

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