Pancakes and a Rose Gold Bracelet

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Blade groaned. "You know what, I don't even care." He leaned in and started kissing me again, making me smile.

"It's okay. I'll see you tomorrow." I gave him one last kiss and climbed off the bed.

"Stay here." Blade looked pleadingly at me.

I laughed. "Are you sure that's a good idea?"

"Positive." He was grinning ear to ear. His smile was contagious. How could I tell this beautiful man no? I'd never spent the night with a guy before and I was nervous, but I trusted Blade with my life. I chuckle remembering our first kiss, how I told myself I would never fall sleep around Blade. Now, I was going to be sharing a bed with him and happy about it.

He had just opened up to me, the least I could do was give him one night. "Okay." I laid back down. "I have to warn you, I'm a roller." I shifted to my side of the bed. He grabbed me and pulled me near him. My back was right against his stomach.

"Oh, so I might wake up with you laying on top of me?" I could feel his breath against the back of my neck. I was a little unsure of what this night could bring, how heated things may get. I wanted Blade so much, but I was afraid. I gave myself a pep talk in my head, it could be amazing. I decided whatever happens, happens. I was going to let myself worry about it.

"Maybe. You still think I should stay here?" I nuzzled myself in closer. I felt small against him.

"I do." He started playing with my hair. "You have beautiful hair, you know that?"

"Thank you." I moved my head to meet his gaze. I wanted to see his eyes. When I did, the desire boiled up inside me. My eyes stayed unmoving on his.

"Goodnight Amaya." He kissed me on the forehead. It felt strangely more intimate than a kiss on the lips. I realized then that it tonight wasn't the night no matter how badly I wanted it to be. We would have our night and it would be worth the wait. I was exhausted anyways, we both needed to rest after today's craziness.

"Goodnight." I said softly. I closed my eyes and felt myself drifting off. That night I had a lucid dream about Blade I didn't want to wake up from.

I woke up to the smell of pancakes. My stomach yelled at me to get up and I obeyed. I looked around and realized Blade wasn't next to me. I got up and went to the bathroom to freshen up then I moved to the door. I walked out to the kitchen and found Blade. He was flipping pancakes shirtless. I smiled, it was such a beautiful view.

I walked up behind him. "Morning."

He tossed the pancakes onto a plate. "Morning." He spun around to look at me. "Hungry?"

I nodded. "Famished."

Blade went to the fridge and returned with some whipped cream and strawberries. "Open." He ordered me, holding up the whipped cream bottle.

I smiled. "Don't mind if I do." I opened my mouth.

Once I finished with the whipped cream, he took my face into his hands. "You've got a little something."

I wiped my face. "Where?"

He poured the whipped cream all over my lips. "Right there." He smirked, leaning in, kissing me. I wrapped my arms around him, deepening the kiss.

"Isn't it a little early for this?" Smasher yawned, entering the kitchen.

Blade leaned back. "I'm surprised you're up considering your late night yesterday."

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