Part 3: Prisoner

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I wake up the next morning to a knock on my door. "Babe, she's going crazy again." R complains through my door. "And she's demanding to see you."

"I'll be out." I say, sounding gruff. We haven't even had this prisoner for twenty four hours and she's already caused so much trouble. She's almost escaped three times. I had severely underestimated her capability. She was a force to be reckoned with. I throw on some pants and a button up shirt. It was too late to cover myself now, she'd already seen me.

I walk into her cell, irritated. "Can I help you?"

She has one hand out of her trap and looks annoyed. "Yeah, you can tell me what is going on."

"You've been kidnapped." I say, retying the rope around her.

She scuffs. "Yeah, I got that, what I'm having a hard time understanding is why." Her teeth are gritted as she speaks.

I click my tongue. "You have a lot of nerve asking your captive what their motive is."

"Really, I thought it was fair." Her eyes send daggers at me. "I thought you were different."

I bend down next to her face. I am momentarily stunned by her beauty. She's gorgeous, I can see why Blade was so enamored by her. It takes a lot more than looks to win me over though, she'd have to do better than look pretty.

When my mind is clear I speak, inches from her. "I don't think you understand princess, I decide whether you love or die. So, I'd suggest being nice to me."

She keeps her face set, no fear can be seen to my disappointment. "Last time I checked, you're not God." She narrows her eyes at me. "How long have you been this person?"

"Since birth." I whisper, making her shiver.

My little captive squirms against her ropes. "I don't believe you. What happened to you?"

I shake my head. "You're going to make this worse for yourself if you try to humanize me."

"I trusted you." She said softly.

I roll eyes. "Who you trust and don't trust is not my problem princess. "

"Why do you keep calling me that?" Her tone is angry.

"Just take a look at the perfect life you live, fit only for a princess." I strain to keep the jealousy out of my voice. "I mean, what struggles have you ever had."

The hurt shines on Amaya's face. "You and I both know that my life is far from perfect."

I laugh cruelly. "You're right, it must be so hard getting close to being a big time lawyer, and having family and friends who love you."

"You have so many people who love you and a great career, what are you talking about?" She growls.

"You're the one who doesn't know what you're talking about." I take deep even breaths to calm myself, this woman was really getting under my skin.

"Then enlighten me, isn't that what your creepy letter promised?" The irritation in her voice is obvious. "According to you I'm not going anywhere anyways so why not tell me what you're not saying. I know you're dying to."

She's wrong, I have nothing I am dying to say to her. It would do me no good to express myself to her. In fact, it's much better for me if she stays in the dark. The more she knows, the more of a problem she'll become.

I run my hand across her face. "Don't be a complication, then I'll be forced to get rid of you now."

"Get rid of me? What is that supposed to mean? You're going to kill me?" She chuckles. "I doubt it."

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