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Amaya's POV

I should've had a million thoughts going through my mind, but my mind cleared. The only thing on my mind was this kiss, or more like this feeling. What was it? Bliss, panic, enlightenment? I decided I didn't care. All my fear was diminished in a puff of smoke. The kiss had a passion in it I had never experienced. He began to pull away, but I wasn't ready. I wrapped my arms tightly around his neck and forced him not to move. A moment later I loosened my grip, slightly embarrassed but not remorseful. He leaned back slowly meeting my gaze. We were both breathing heavy. We looked at each for a moment before I saw the bloody knife in his hand. Panic rose inside of me. He followed my gaze.

"That was probably the most difficult incision I've ever done, but the glass is out of your foot." I watched as he sat the knife down on the counter. My head was spinning. He took my foot in his hand and swaddled it in a towel, wrapping it as tightly as possible.

Before I could speak, he said, "Sometimes," he paused a minute, considering, "it helps to catch someone off guard before you do a procedure. I needed your attention elsewhere."

I nodded, "So you kissed me?" I could feel myself finally coming back down. Now that I was grounded, I wasn't sure whether or not I should be offended. He only kissed me to distract me, but he still kissed me, which means part of him must've wanted to. I wondered if he had used this move before, it was so unique that I doubted that he did. It was definitely the craziest first kiss I've ever had. It was also the soonest I've ever kissed someone. We'd know each other for no more than two hours.

"I hardly think you can call this little cut a procedure." I felt the corners of my mouth curving upwards. "How do you usually catch someone off guard before you knife them?"

He chuckled. "I tell them a story, or have them look somewhere else. Don't worry, I don't usually distract them like this."

He kept applying pressure to my foot. I stared at his hands. I figured they'd be rougher than they looked, they were smooth. I laughed to myself, they're huge! He looked at me quizzically. I ignored him and yanked my foot from the wrap. I swatted his hand when he tried to grab it back, but it didn't stop him from continuing to reach for it.

When everything sunk in I looked at him, shocked, "You cut my foot while kissing me?" I should be more afraid of his "incision" skills I told myself and made a mental note. I would never fall asleep around him.

"Yes." He said, grabbing my foot and re-wrapping it.

"Who are you?" I said while tossing a grape into my mouth.

He laughed. "Blade. You're new neighbor."

I examined him closely for the first time. He had spikey chestnut brown hair, a deep tan, and defined, sharp facial features. The thing that stuck out the most to me though were his eyes. They were yellow. I just stared at them a minute, admiring. I could see why Niki was swooning over this guy, he was so cute. I brought my eyes down and popped another grape in my mouth.

"Oh really? Where are you staying?" I said, nonchalantly.

"Here. Right across the hall." He answered.

I nearly choked on my grape. "Here." I echoed.

He watched me, "Is that a problem?"

Yes! I wanted to scream. I never liked it when someone I was into was too close to me. Then, it was always awkward when things ended. It felt too much like moving in with someone. I would never say that though, at this point what could be done about it?

"No, no problem at all Blade." I reached out a hand. "I'm Amaya."

He grabbed my hand and shook it gently. "It's nice to meet you Amaya."

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