Part 2: After The Storm

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Once the terrible news was revealed to us, Nikayla was distraught. In all the chaos, there wasn't a chance for us to introduce Amaya and Blade to Jikayla, it felt wrong last night. What happened had us all feeling horrible. When I saw the mark on Amaya's face I felt sick to the stomach. It made me think of Nikaya and what she'd been through. If he could do that Amaya, I didn't even want to think about what he'd been doing to Nikayla for years. I followed Nikayla into her apartment, wanting to make sure she was alright.

She sat on the couch and held her head. "I can't believe this. I can't believe he did this!" Her fist clenched, the anger bubbling inside her flowing out into the open. I kept silent, wanting her to go on. She needed to express herself. "I mean, it's one thing if he hurts me, but when he hurts my friends that's too far."

I sit down beside her. "Keep talking. I want hear everything you're feeling."

"I'm angry, so f***king angry. I'm mad at him for what he did to Amaya, but I'm mad at myself too. I'm the one who brought him into her life, into all of our lives." She starts to breath heavy. "How could he do this? All I ever did was love that idiot!" By the end of her rant, tears were streaming down her face.

"Come here." I wasted no time pulling her into a tight embrace. I rubbed her back. "You can't let yourself go down that rabbit hole. Everyone is okay, everyone is safe."

She nods her head against my chest. "Thank you, I needed that." She sobbed into me.

"No, none of that. Here, look at me." I smiled widely at her. "I'm smiling."

She started laughing. "You're cute."

"Thank you." I said, still smiling. "I have more tricks up my sleeves to make you feel better."

Nikayla grinned. "What else you got?"

"I'll be right back." I jump up and head to the bedroom. I grab Jikayla and carry her out to the door. "How about this?" I say, placing Jikayla on her lap.

She is instantly all over Jikayla. "I totally forgot we put her in the bedroom so we could surprise Amaya and Blade." She kisses Jikayla, making me wish I was her. I can't believe I'm jealous of an adorable puppy. Jikayla kisses the tears off Nikayla's face, which is the cutest sight I've ever seen. I was becoming increasingly happy that I got her for Nikayla. "Awe, my baby!" She coos. "Mommy missed you so much! Do you want a treat for being such a good girl?"

Nikayla turns to me. "Can you please keep an eye on my little sweetie while I go get her a treat?"

I nod. "It'd be my honor."

"Thank you!" She says in a sing-songy voice as she heads to the kitchen. I smile, happy that she is happy. "Hi Jikayla, are you sucking up for a treat?" She rolls on her feet, squirming against me. I rub her tummy as she flips over, making her wiggle her little legs.

"So, I did a thing." Nikayla leans over the couch behind me. "Awe are you two bonding? Oh my gosh, that makes me so happy."

I reach up and trace her face. "Yeah I'm sorry to tell you but I'm pretty sure I'm her favorite." She closes her eyes and presses her head against my hand. "What thing did you do?"

She opens her eyes, her expression serious. "I reported Landon. I called the police and told them everything, I just couldn't risk him hurting anyone ever again, I can't trust him."

I place my hands on her and pull onto me on the couch. She falls on top of me, laughing. "You're incredible, you know that?" I smile at her. Her face comes inches from mine as she lands on me, her eyes boring into me. Her lips are so close to mine that any small movement would bring them together. I freeze. As much as I wanted to kiss her, I wasn't sure how the kiss would affect me. Kissing her was a huge risk. If I thought about my ex or felt extremely guilty I would loose the magic of meeting her and the hope of getting better. The alternative was that a single kiss could help me to move on and finally allow me to be happy. I knew it would be life changing either way.. I couldn't risk loosing the way I feel around her. I couldn't go back into the darkness Nikayla brought me out of. She shuts her eyes ands puckers her lips. I panic as I wonder if she is trying to kiss me. As a reflex, I move back. I can't decipher the look Nikayla gives me, but it looks deep. I scramble for something to say to cut the tension but she speaks before I can.

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