Part 3: Under The Surface

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Mystery Person (L) 2 POV:

I carry R to safety as I'd done countless times before. We made code names that we called each other; she goes by R and I go by L. It was a letter of our names that we thought separated us from the rest.

"Thank you for that show baby, I loved it." I knew she'd be absolutely elated to see the fight between the pathetic so-called couple. I was happy to see it because I needed her to be motivated. I'd started to set the whole plan in motion and there was no going back now, I needed her focused and dedicated. I saved her and brought her into my life and planned for this moment and even though I had to admit I'd grown accustomed to her presence, I needed her to fulfill her part of plan. I didn't have the luxury of falling in love and being out in the open like Blade, but I aimed to change that. I was fighting for my independence and to get my power back. After Blade was gone, I could be my true evil self without anyone standing in my way. He may think he's gotten away with messing with me but he hasn't. Nobody stands in my way and lives to tell the tale.

I guess I'd been silent for awhile because R grabs my arm, trying to recapture my attention. "L, what's on that magnificent mind of yours?"

"Nothing to worry about my dear, I'm just thinking about the future, our future." I look into her hazel eyes and trialed my eyes along down her long silky red hair. She was beautiful no doubt, a rare beauty. Learning how immaculate she is was just a bonus after I saved her.

She nods. "Smasher is in some serious trouble with that hideous woman, they basically broke up." The excitement radiates off of her.

"I'm glad you enjoyed the display I created for you, but remember who our first target is, Amaya." I refocus her. She needs to move Smasher out of her mind for now, thoughts of him will only hold her back.

She held my gaze, her eyes full of interest. "What do you plan to do to her?"

My fingers tingle with anticipation. "We need her for leverage." I begin to walk back and forth. "Lucky for her, she's more valuable alive than dead to us right now. We'll spare her pathetic life for a small time as long as she's useful to us."

"Ooh, what are you suggesting?" R stares at me giddily. This was her life as well as mine. Revenge is what kept me going.

I take a climatic pause before I speak again. "I'm going to kidnap the girl." I can practically hear the dramatic music as thunder sounded in the distance. "She will be ours by tomorrow, the rest of our enemies will follow shortly."

She claps her hands together excitedly. "Your a genius my love!"

The way R hyped me up was powerful, I felt like the most important person on the planet. It was one of the reasons I kept her around. Her powers and bedroom skills were definitely factors too though. "I must go, I have a letter to write, but I'll come back to you soon." I pulled her into a brief kiss before I headed to my layer.

I pick up a red ink pen and blank piece of paper. These poor, pathetic fools had no idea what was coming their way. They didn't know anything about this world, the world I lived in but they would shortly learn what it was like to be me. I was all too confident they couldn't handle it. I tapped the pen on my desk as I worked to conjure up the right words for the message I would send Amaya. It was minutes before my twisted brain formed the encrypted note:

I know all about your boyfriend and his secrets. He is not who you think. He will die if you don't meet with me. I will be at 1852 Willow Street in the abandoned building across from the GetGo gas station at 8pm tomorrow and so will you or your beloved boyfriend will get what he deserves. If you tell him or anyone else I will kill him myself.

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