Part 3: Bubbling Anger

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Mystery Person (R) One POV:

I look at our neighbors through my shiny black binoculars. I see Smasher walk up to the little tramp and kiss her, his so-called friends practically cheering in the background. I slam the binoculars down in disbelief.

"Seriously?" I lift the chair up with my mind and slam it hard against the wall, leaving a large hole. "How could this happen?" I scream. In my frustration I take a knife and stab his picture aggressively. Who does he think he is? He seriously believes he can just forget about me? Well, if that's what he's thinking, he's got another thing coming. That thing is me. I've been debating whether or not to kill him, but now he'd just helped me make my decision. I wasn't like I'd ever actually cared about him, he was useful and he knew my secret, he was merely my property, but now he had nothing to offer me. Regardless of what he thought, he didn't know everything about me. He didn't know about my dark side, but he was about to meet her head on.

The door of the warehouse creaks open slowly and my handsome partner in crime peeks in. Now that's a man, I think smirking. "What's wrong baby?" He comes next to me and grabs my face in his strong hands. "Talk to me."

I swallow back my tears, looking into his eyes. "You were right, he has a girlfriend. I just saw them kissing." My shoulders sagged, defeated.

"Awe baby I told you." He said gently. "It's okay, we'll just add him to the list. You don't need him anymore anyway."

I nod, knowing he's right. Smasher was worthless to me now. "I want the girl he was kissing added to the list too. She brought him out of the misery I put him in and that makes me very angry."

"Okay babe, she's on it too." He smiles mischievously. "It'll be easy to add them since they're all such close friends now."

I grin. "Perfect, but how long are we going to wait before we make our move?" I ask, growing impatient. We'd be planning this for years. I was out for blood and I wanted it now.

"Uh-uh-uh." The Joker to my Harley Quinn lifts my chin with his finger. "You know better than to question me. You trust me don't you baby?" A darkness flashed behind his eyes. "You aren't doubting me, are you baby?" He voice came out low as a warning to me not to challenge him.

He was my soulmate, of course I trusted him. My man wasn't someone you ever doubted. Anyone who ever doubted him died. I was too smart and in love to not follow him blindly. "No my love, I would never doubt you. I give you full control of me, forever. I know what you're capable of, it's why I love you."

This pleases him and he removes his finger from under my chin. "Good, I knew you were wiser than to do that." He begins to pace excitedly, divulging a hint of his master plan. "I will start with Blade's tiny mistress, weakening him."

"That should be easy she's no bigger than child and has no powers." I laugh maniacally. "I could take the little minion down with one hand tied behind my back"

He stares at me menacingly. "You will be taking no one down right now, I will handle the girl and you will stay in the shadows." I make a pouty face and he takes both my hands in his. "You are my secret weapon, only Justin knows the power you hold and he isn't expecting you to attack." He plays with my bottom lip. "Your time will come. I will even let you take care of him and his blonde bimbo."

This is good enough for me. I want nothing more than to torture my enemies. "I will stay wherever you put me for as long as you need me there. Soon we'll have everything we've wanted. It's so close I can taste it." I kiss his neck softly and smile up at him.

He licks his lips. "All in due time, my seductress." His eyes flicker as if a lightbulb and he grins at me. "Tonight, we'll sneak into Smasher's room and use his bed to let out your frustrations."

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