max mayfield - prompt 26

97 2 0

word count: 500+

26. "you did not just bite into your popsicle."


"It's too hot out for this shit."

"It's too hot for sitting?"

"Yes, Y/n. A matter of fact, it is too hot to even be sitting. My ass is literally melting into the seat."

"TMI, but okay." Max hit your arm gently.

"Stop it. This is your fault in the first place."

"You were the one who wanted to go on a date. So here you go; a date in the park. If you weren't such a wuss about the heat we could actually be doing something right now," you stated, swaying your feet back and forth as you sat on top of a picnic table. Leaning back onto your palms.

"When I was thinking of a date, I thought maybe the movies or like a shopping spree in a nice air conditioned mall. Not baking in the park like hamburgers on a grill." You rolled your eyes at Max's analogy.

"If you want to leave we can. It's up to you if you want me to get us a ride back to yours." Max sighed and shook her head, taking your hand.

"I'd rather suffer here." You hummed in response, trying to think of an alternative.

"I think there's an ice cream stand a couple blocks down. It's got popsicles and other shit too.'' Max stood immediately.

"Why the hell didn't you say this sooner? Were you waiting for me to die of a heat stroke first or what?" She snarked and pulled you to your feet, dragging you down the sidewalk.

"I forgot alright? And you're going the wrong way," you stated, yanking her into the opposite direction

Thanks," you said, taking hold of both of the frozen popsicles. The lady at the counter nodded and smiled, going to face the next customer.

The hot summer sun beamed down onto your face as you turned around, walking back to your seat as one of the benches. Where Max sat with her head resting on her palm, scanning the area. She smiled to herself as she watched a kids ice cream fall from its cone.

"I got the goods," you announced, holding out the red frozen treat. Max took it and took a quick lick. She hummed in satisfaction from the cold relief hitting her tongue.

"This is what heaven tastes like." You let out a breathy chuckle, taking the first taste of your frozen treat as well. Max's expression dropped instantly. Your brows furrowed at her sour expression.


"You did not just bite into your popsicle." You quirked a brow eyeing the said object.

"Uh, yeah I did. Is there a problem?" "We need to break up. I am not dating someone who bites into their popsicle. Do you even feel anything? Are you even capable of feeling something?" You snorted.

"No, Max I actually can't. It's about time you realized." She let out a huff.

"There's seriously something wrong with you if you actually do that whenever you get one," she stated, slurping up the trail of juice that leaked onto her hand. You shrugged.

"Depends if I'm feeling dangerous or not."

"That just made me cringe so hard." "Welp you're the one who asked me out. You signed up for this when you did."

"Yeah, well I didn't know my lover would be a psychopath when I did."

𝐚𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐭𝐲 - 𝐦𝐮𝐥𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐦 𝐛𝐥𝐮𝐫𝐛𝐬Where stories live. Discover now