robin buckley - prompt 2

104 3 0

word count: 400+

2."Hold on, let me fix this for you."


"I hate these stupid formal events."

"It's just a wedding, Robin. We can talk a little, mingle a bit, and get out of there."

"Whose is it again?" She questioned in a mumble. You rolled you eyes playfully and chuckled.

"Your cousin's."

"Joshua's, right. I don't even like Joshua, his fiance's a price too. Why the hell are we going?" she grumbled, staring into her reflection. Her eyes flickered to you and your attire, lingering for a moment. Your eyes met hers and you quirked a brow. She chuckled and turned back to her own situation.

This dumb tie she couldnt get right. How did it go? Over, under, over again, loop, loop? Well obviously not that cause now she has a pretzel of a tie. Your chuckle was heard next to her.

"Hold on, let me fix this for you," you murmur, pulling her by the atrocious object. A light 'oomph' left Robin's lips at the force. Her eyes followed your actions. Watching as your hands looped and pulled until a proper tie was shown.

"Where'd you learn how to do this?" She asked as you tighten the fabric.

"The kids during their snowball they didn't know what the heck to do, so I researched it. And cause Steve didn't know what the hell he was doing. I was the only option." You chuckled at the memory. "I had to give him a tutorial afterward when they all ran into the school." Robin pictured Steve in this same situation. Fumbling with his hands to follow your actions.

"That must have been a sight." Nodding, you brought your hands up to her hair. Adjusting a few falling strands and pushing them back.

"It took half an hour just to show him how to get the loop right." Robin let out a smort.

"I would've loved to be there."

"Yeah you would've," you agreed, grabbing your hand bag and walking out of your bedroom door. "Should we bring snacks for the ride back?" You questioned.

"We can," Robin shrugged. Entering the kitchen the both of you looked into your pantry and pulled out a few bags of chips. As well as a container of Oreos. She placed them under her arm and exited out the front door. Once settled in the car you both tossed the objects into the back seat.

"Why don't you like Joshua anyway?" You asked, placing your hand behind Robin's seat to watch your view when backing up.

"He always whined at family Christmases about gifts. Nothing was ever enough for him."

"So you think he'll be ticked off at the card we got them."

"Probably but it's his fault if he wants to throw a hissy fit at his own wedding."

𝐚𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐭𝐲 - 𝐦𝐮𝐥𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐦 𝐛𝐥𝐮𝐫𝐛𝐬Where stories live. Discover now