percy jackson - playfighting in water

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word count: 500+


"Stop splashing me!"

"You splashed me first-"

"I did not."

"Did too."

"You sound like a child."

"Yeah, well you also sound like a child," Percy grumbled, sending another wave of water into your direction. Scoffing you rolled your eyes at him.

"You can't even make up your own insults. It's pathetic, really. You're pathetic," you stated, crossing your arms. Your hip jutted out as your head tilted to the side. Percy stepped back, fawning offence.

"Take it back," he demanded. Shaking your head, you shrugged your shoulders.

"Why should I? It's the truth and I'm a truth worthy person. It's the only thing I say," you claimed, legs buckling lightly as the surrounding water shifted.

"Oh yeah? Only the truth? Like how it was the truth you forgot Grover's phone but we all know you purposefully left it at camp so he wouldn't play his playlist on the way here."

"Who's we?" you asked playfully. Looking around you took in the lack of other people in the water. "I don't see any one else. So there is no we. Which means I'm not lying so-"

Your words we cut short by another splash making its way onto your stomach. Snapping your gaze over to the one at fault you took a step to stomp over to the boy

"Percy I told you stop-" Misplacing your footing your leg twisted awkwardly, making you fall forward. A scream left your lungs as the surface of the lake almost met your face. That was until arms wrapped around your waist.

"Say you started it and I won't drop you," Percy stated, holding your body to the point you couldn't pull yourself up.

"I didn't do anything," you yelled back, scrabbling in his grasp.

"Liar." He lowered you further.

"Percy stop! I can't get my hair-"

"Then just admit it." He continued to bring the water closer. Dismissing all of your protests.

"Fine! I did it. I started the splashing. I'm a liar. I lie a lot. Well It's not really lying its more like fibs-" the forceful shake of your body made you take back your words, "Okay! Yes they are lies. I also did leave Grover's phone because his music taste is ass. I can't handle another juice world remix. I just can't," you explained in desperation as Percy's body shook with laughter. Pulling you up he met your frightful gaze.

"See it wasn't that hard was it?" he teased, pulling you by the waist closer to him when you tried to pull away.

"I hate you," you muttered, staring into his green eyes. However you looked down to his smirking smile.

"No you don't," he practically whispered, watching as your gaze darted between his lips and eyes.

The sound of the falling waves filled the silence between you. Slowly the gap separating you both seemed to fill. However that was paused when a voice from the shore called out, catching both of your attentions.

"Guys, the wraps are done!" Annabeth announced. Meeting Percy's stare once more, you noticed the mischievous glint.

"Race you," he offered. Your expression mirrored his and you shoved him with all your strength. Not looking back to see his now soaked frame you bolted to the sand. "Cheater!"

𝐚𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐭𝐲 - 𝐦𝐮𝐥𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐦 𝐛𝐥𝐮𝐫𝐛𝐬Where stories live. Discover now