robin buckley - prompt 39

59 1 0

word count: 600+

39. "Hey, your feelings are not stupid."


You sat anxiously at the Family Video counter. Waiting for Robins shift to be up. Picking at the flaking paint, you watched as your girlfriend leaned across the counter to assess another girl.

She was pretty. Perfectly clear skin, with not a frizzy piece of hair in sight, and flawless make up.

Jacey was her name, you were pretty sure.

Jacey passed a movie box over to Robin, twirling a strand of hair in her fingers and saying something you couldn't hear.

Your face scrunched up lightly. Negative thoughts swarming through your head as a sour expression took hold of your features.

Jacey bit her lip lightly, taking in every word Robin said to the very core and nodding along.

Huffing to yourself, you turned your attention elsewhere. Watching Steve fail to ask another bimbo on a date was much more amusing than watching your own lover get flirted with. The overused line,

"Maybe we can meet up sometime this week. If you're free that is," passing through his lips as a tiny smile grew at the corner of your lips. However it instantly dropped when the high pitched voice of Jacey shoved its way into your ears.

"Thanks so much, Robin. See you next week."

She gave a light wave wich Robin returned as she took her sickly sweetness and left. Robin turned to you, chuckling to herself.

"She's like a literal ball of rainbows. It makes me want to barf," she joked. When she didn't receive a reaction Robin took a closer look at your expression. Noting how your brows had that crease you always get when something was bothering you. *Hey what's up?" She asked in a softer tone. You peered at her through your slightly squinted eyes. Shaking your head you dismissed her question.

"It's nothing, it's stupid really." Robin moved closer to you. Grabbing your hand which was placed on the counter and taking it in hers.

"Hey, your feelings are not stupid," she stated. "If somethings making you upset you can talk to me about it. Whatever it is, I'll try to help." You bit your lip at she heartfelt words. Feeling guilty for the fact you even grew jealous in the first place.

"It's just..." you tried to find the right words as Robin waited patiently. "It's just Jacey seems a little too sweet when she's talking to you. With Steve she's nice sure, but when it comes to you she gets all batty eyed and does this little hair twirl thing. She obviously thinks about you differently in some way than other people for the amount of times I've seen her switch up when you come around," you rambled. "And she's just so pretty and has this flawless look to her and I'm not like that. She looks so much more better than I do and I know I look good but I just know she looks better. And I just can't stop myself from feeling jealous." Once you finished your speech you searched Robins features, uneasily. She squeezed you hand reassuringly.

"You have nothing to worry about, Y/n. Jacey is just a daily that comes in all the time. She's a film fanatic and has been coming here even before Steve and I got our jobs. I don't know if what your claiming is true or not about the eyes or whatever but it doesn't matter cause I have my eyes on you. Only you. And you, my girl, are the prettiest, most beautiful, amazing person I've met. So even if Jacey was interested, I am not," Robin assured you. A light smile grew on your features.

"You promise?" She held her pinky out.

"Ofcourse. I promise I'll always tell you the truth, but only if you promis to tell me when somethings bothering you. None of that "it's stupid' bullshit, 'kay?" You nodded, lacing your fingers through hers.

"I promise."

"I promise too." She kissed your cheek quickly and went back to helping people at the counter. Leaving you with a no longer sour expression, a smile taking it's place.

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