robin buckley - prompt 40

48 1 0

word count: 400+

40. "Hrmg, I'm not moving. Don't make me."


The atmosphere was silent throughout the room. The only sound being heard were your and Robin's even breaths. Sunlight peaked itself out from behind the curtains. Your eyes winced at the brightness from your spot on the bed. Turning your head you glanced at the clock as it read '8:02'. Frowning you looked down at the sleeping girl on you. Your hand was tangled in her hair as her face was smooshed against your chest. Her eyelashes kissed her cheeks, her body curled into yours.

Everything was perfect, you loved mornings like these... except for the fact you were supposed to be up at 7:30 to work at 8:15 for your morning shift at Family Video. Sighing to yourself, you dragged your fingers across Robin's scalp. Dreading the events to follow.

"I have to get up," you mumbled, knowing she was already awake. The constant body shifts gave that away. When you didn't get a response you rolled your eyes. You tried to shimmy out of the girl's grasp but her arms around you grew tighter making a groan fall from your lips. "Robin, I have to go, otherwise I'll be late. You know what the boss said, three more tardies and he's gonna cut me off. That was two tardies ago. I can't afford it." A disfigured grumble was your response. "What was that?"

"Steve's working double shifts today. He'll cover for you," Robin muttered, snuggling into the crook of your neck.

"No, that's mean. He always has to cover for us."

"Thursday mornings are always slow. You're not gonna miss anything." Her eyes were still closed as her wording grew more jumbled. You frowned.

"Still, I had errands I needed to do this morning anyways. So get up." Her groaning in protest grew louder.

"Hrmg, I'm not moving. Don't make me." You wiggled and squirmed but it was no use. Huffing in frustration, the longer she held on the more your annoyance multiplied.

"Robin, I swear to god-"

"Just ten more minutes."

"No! I need to go now."

"Please, even five."


"Five is all I ask. Please, Y/n that's it. Then I'll get up I swear."

"Oh my god. Is it that hard to just do what I ask?"

"Yes." Your eyes rolled so hard you almost saw your brain. Then silence casted over the room while you contemplated your options. However the quite 'please' that came from Robin answered for you. You sighed, settling into a more comfortable position and pulling Robin back to your chest. She hummed in thanks.

"...Robin you said five minutes-"

"Five more."

"Oh my god, no!"

𝐚𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐭𝐲 - 𝐦𝐮𝐥𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐦 𝐛𝐥𝐮𝐫𝐛𝐬Where stories live. Discover now