Chapter 0 : Before the dire

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Midorijima, Summer 20xx

         Two children take hands of each other, walk by the beach under the sunset. They walk together and watch the sunset together everyday. Both of them had no parents and lived by the church near the beach with other children. They always sneak out at the evening to see the sunset together.

? : You know, I wonder how we'll see this place when we grow up.

?? : I also wonder, but we have something else to worry now.

? : Hm?

?? : Did you realize we come out too long? I bet it's almost 2 hours now.

? : Huh... I didn't realize it at all.

?? : If they notice we were gone, it will be a big problem!

? : You're right..... maybe we shou-
Woman : Oh? Are those two kids lost?

?&?? : !!???

        The two turned their heads over to the sound of the woman. As they started to walked away, a strange man stood right behind them and crouch down.

Man : Oh? Where are your parents?

? : Uh-

?? : //No

       One of the kid whisper to the other as they grab them.

?? : Don't you remember? The sister said we shouldn't talk to stranger no matter what!!

? : Mmhmm.......

Man : Sister? But isn't the church in this area was an orphan care?

Woman : Aw...... I feel bad for them.

?? : Let's go

? : Mm

         Another kid nod and they both take hands and quickly ran away back to the church in hurry.

? : Uwaahhhh what a nice dinner we had

Sister : Now put both of your hands together and say....

Everyone : Thanks for the meal

Sister : Alright all of you can go play a bit before you go to bed..... except for two.....

? : Ah-

?? : Wait...

        The sister took the two kids to a living room.

Sister : Stay put while I go get the guest

        As the sister said, she walked away and shut the door of the living room.

? : A...a guest?! Is she calling a cop to arrest us for being naughty kids??!

?? : Calm down, police only arrest the adults

? : But I heard that if we misbehave, they'll send us to kids jail!

?? : I.... never heard of that..... but we didn't do anything wrong

? : We sneak out from the church everyday! We're being naughty!

Sister : Now now shush shush

        The sister entered the room with two people, and they shook the two kids.

Woman : Hello~ We're here to pick you up!

? : Eh?

?? : What's going on?

Sister : You see. This couple wanted to adopted you

Man : Does your mom allowed? Maybe one should be enough?

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