chapter 6 : Lost and figured

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Midorijima 11:54

          It was lunch break, and Aoba who was resting at the workbench sitting up and open his lunchbox. While he's eating, the shop's door opens.


Clear : Aoba san

Aoba : Clear? Why are you here? Don't you have work?

Clear : Mizuki san..... doesn't open his shop for a while now.

Aoba : Oh? Did you try contact him?

Clear : I tried a lot, but he never answered

Aoba : Aahh........


          Aoba open up his coil and tried calling Mizuki. After a while, there is no answer at all.

          After work, Aoba contact Koujaku, Ren and Noiz to assemble and looking for Mizuki.


Aoba : Noiz, do you think you can find the direction by coil number?

Noiz : Who do you think I am? Give me the number.

Aoba : *sent Mizuki's number to Noiz*

Noiz : *scan through the number* got it

Aoba : Thank you

Noiz : I'm not garantee that you will find him

Koujaku : Is THAT all you got?

Noiz : The thing I had for searching is the coil number. It can only locate the coil, not the host.

Koujaku : Tch....

Aoba : It's fine. We might know something if we found his coil.

Ren : We should hurry up.

Aoba : Yeah


          The five men walk to the direction of the coil. It was on the floor behind Black Needle. The surrounding area has a trace of fighting, make all of them know what could have happened to Mizuki.

          While they search the area for more information, Aoba's coil receives a message. It's a message from Tori.


Tori's message : Meet us at the north district building. There are intruders came to us.

Aoba : ..... Everyone, let's head to the north district.

Noiz : Hah? Are you kidding me?

Clear : But.... isn't that place dangerous?

Koujaku : Right?

Aoba : We need to meet up with Mink.

Ren : Mink? You mean the prisoner that saves you?

Aoba : Yes

Koujaku : That is even more dangerous!

Aoba : We have no choice! Mink has more information than we did and some of his men were vampires as well.

Koujaku : ....Ok, I'll go with you to ensure your safety

Clear : M...Me too!

Noiz : *sigh* can't let you die before I got repay

Aoba : Ren, I'm sorry but can you get back home and tell granny? I might go home very late or either not go home today.

Ren : It's fine, I'll tell her for you *patting Aoba's head* take care

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