chapter 8 : Always beside [KouAo]

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Aoba's pov :

We both arrived at the Platinum jails door. As we were at the center of the room, suddenly some fire crackers from the front corners of the room crack and the light shine all around the room. Ughh...... my eyes..... A rectangular hole appears in front of us when a mascot being push up from that hole. I'm not sure whether they are robot or human but they wear a panda skin with big hat and fancy looking clothes.


Panda : Welcome! To the world of happiness and joy, Platinum jails! A world with joy, dream and love where you can't find from other!

Koujaku : This thing..... suppose to looks cute right?

Aoba : I guess? They look horrified in my opinion.

Panda : Please our special guest, show your invitation to the screen in order to enter the door!

Aoba : Invitation.....


I look through my coil and show the screen my invitation, Koujaku as well did the same. The panda mascot just stand at the spot where I think he will be vanished, looking at us with dead eyes of doll. Yikes... Why do people feel comfortable seeing this thing? After the invitation being scanned, we quickly went through the door not wanting to see that panda any longer.

When we went through the door together and see such a scenery right before our eyes. On the sky is full with stars and it seems to be night all the time.


Koujaku : Whoa.... what kind of guy he is to cover the entire sky just to make the visual one?

Aoba : I guess you're not wrong, he seems to not know what to spent money at. Anyway, did you think those men will still following us in here?

Koujaku : Now that you mention, they might contact other group to search for us. We need to find somewhere to hide and think of a plan


I nodded as I looked around. When I find some spot, I tap on Koujaku's shoulder and run for it. It is an alley way that this place has a ton, but I chose this one because it's small. It's like outsmarted by choosing the one that people can't normally fit in. The place we hide is tide, but at least we have enough room to sit together.


Koujaku : So what's our plan?

Aoba : I'll try drink the vampire blood again. Maybe we can find some clues tho

Koujaku : I wonder if I could just ask that vampire that temporary took over you.

Aoba : Temporary took over me?

Koujaku : Last night they use your body to communicate with us. I want to make sure I didn't just make it up.

Aoba : Hmmmm worth trying tho


I chuck the vampire blood I got before leaving. The same scene appeared again. I can't move at all, it seems that they can control my body a bit while I can't control theirs. I mean..... he's the original one so it is normal I think........


Aoba : ..... gah! I'm back.......

Koujaku : Did you see anything?

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