chapter 12 : Relationship [RenAo]

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Aoba's pov :

It's a morning of the next day according to my coil. I dressed up and went to the kitchen. There wasn't so many things here though. As I was thinking of going out, I heard a door open from downstairs.


Aoba : ?

Clear : Oh? Good morning Aoba san!

Aoba : Ah.... morning. Where did you go?

Clear : I went to buy something to make breakfast though. There isn't much I can do so I went out.

Aoba : All alone?

Clear : With Noiz san

Noiz : Oh? You're awake?

Aoba : Ah...... no one is tailing you guys right?

Noiz : Don't worry, I went out with him because of this reason.

Aoba : Well.... if you said so.


Clear and Noiz walk up stairs and head to the kitchen. I want to help them but Koujaku told me to relax and let them do the job. Mink come out from his room, he seems fine but he looks a bit weaker than how I used to see him. Maybe the poison is affected a lot, but it's a surprise that he survive despite how deadly it is.

After a while, we all finished breakfast. It was very tasty and I am full. Mink gave me another bag of blood just in case. When we are checking our stuff, one of Mink men comes in.


Man : Leader!

Mink : What is it?

Man : We found out an experiment at the warehouse in the east.

Mink : How many?

Man : One in total

Mink : ....... That's suspicious......

Man : We were thinking about checking on it while nobody were there. What did you suggest?

Mink : I would like to go but my body isn't that recovered. So I can't

Man : Oh

Aoba : I can tho

Koujaku : What! That's dangerous Aoba!

Aoba : I'll be fine. Beside, the rest of you are beaten. I won't let you go like that

Clear : But...... it's still dangerous


As I am talking with them, my coil suddenly got a message. It said "your allmate is nearby". Huh..... I don't remember having allmate connected with my coil. Just that, there's a knocked on the front door.


Man : Ah? *open the door* who the fuck are you? Get lost!

?? : ..... can I go in?

Man : Who do you think you- Ah!

Mink : Oi..... who's there?

Man : Leader...... he has a gun!

Mink : ..... I think I remember this guy.

? : Arf arf!! *run inside the house*

Aoba : Ah! Dog Ren

Allmate Ren : Arf! *jump around Aoba*

Ren : Yo......

Aoba : *pick up allmate* Ren, how and why are you here?

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