chapter 11 : Do something or rather died. [MinkAo]

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Aoba's pov :

           Currently I'm taking break in a dark corner. I can't find anything else and can't find anyone to partner up with. Who else that came here with me? Koujaku...... Noiz........ Clear......... Ah! That's right! Mink! But....... I don't know if I should pair up with him. I don't know anything about him like at all!

           As I was thinking, something flew and land on my shoulder.


Aoba : Eep!

Tori : You sound like a chick. Not gonna lie, even your face look like one.

Aoba : Tori?

Tori : Surprised?

Aoba : Had you always been here all the time?

Tori : No, we'd just arrive last night

Aoba : Oh... you mean Mink?

Tori : Yes?

Aoba : Where is he?

Tori : All the way here.


             I sat down and hold Tori in my arm. He doesn't like it, but he didn't resist. I waited for a while and Mink showed up. Tori immediately flies to his master's shoulder. Mink seems to has a bad mood.


Aoba : Is everything alright?

Mink : Why waiting?

Aoba : Because...... I'm afraid you can't find me.

Mink : Just take Tori with you, I could follow his signal.

Aoba : Ah...... right


              I mean..... he got the point. Mink doesn't bother my reaction and walk away. I followed him immediately. Man....... can I really get along with this guy? Can't denied to said that I'm a bit dislike him.

              Mink led me to some warehouse in the east. We entered one of them, as expected, his guys are in here. They all gathered around him. I was told to stayed out from their conversation and was command to watch out for someone to come in.


Aoba : *sigh*

Tori : You seems tired. Mentally to be specific.

Aoba : Will you be mad if I talk bad about your master?

Tori : It's up to your perspective.

Aoba : *looked around* you see...... I am glad that he used to help me back then. And also have more information about vampires. But........ he acted like I'm just a tool or something.

Tori : You are

Aoba : ....... Wait I am his tool?

Tori : What else would you be for him?

Aoba : Tch!

Tori : Hmp..... seeing you have this reaction excited me a bit.

Aoba : Oh shut up..... !?


            When I looked up, I noticed a figure looking at me from a far. The figure noticed me and immediately run away.........


Aoba : Tori...... that figure........

Tori : Hmm... it's a 50 50 chance between spotting us and a trap to lure us out.

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