chapter 7 : Finds and beginning

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Aoba's pov :
It's been 2 weeks since Mizuki went missing. We try our best to find him on our free time, but it doesn't continue at all. Now I'm even more worried...... is he still doing well?

I walked by the street on my way back home when I saw a familiar figure. Who is that? I walk to the alleyway to have a closer look.


Aoba : Mizuki?

Mizuki : !!? Aoba? Is it really you?

Aoba : Mizuki!


I found him! I finally found him! Mizuki is walking towards me while the sunset light is showered from my back. Mizuki skin started to burn, in the same time he scream with pain. I quickly push him to the shadow and cover him away from sunlight.

When Mizuki's pain gone down I took a bag of blood I have and give to him.


Mizuki : Aoba..... is that what I think it is?

Aoba : It's blood. Drink it, it'll heal you up.

Mizuki : ......


Mizuki seems confused, other than that he trust me and drink some blood from the bag. He is completely healed up and the sun has left the sky. I messaged everyone about Mizuki before turn my head to him.


Aoba : Feeling better?

Mizuki : Yeah

Aoba : Thank goodness......

Mizuki : Aoba...... how did you know about my situation? What am I right now?

Aoba : .......


It is hard..... but I know I have to told him no matter what. However, this place isn't that safe to talk together. I decided to messaged Mink if it's okay for us to have a talk at his territory. Despite he reply me "Whatever you want" I just decided to have a meeting there.

The 6 of us meet at the north district building. We entered and sees Virus and Trip still have an experiment on those vampires.


Virus : Oh? If it wasn't Aoba san

Trip : Yo! Come on visit?

Aoba : Actually, it's a meeting

Virus : I see. Good luck then

Aoba : Good luck for both of you as well!


We walk to another room for privacy with Mink's men guard the door. All of us sit in circle and we wait for Mizuki to be ready and tell his story.


Koujaku : Where have you been anyway?

Mizuki : Well... as I can remember, I was closing my shop as usual when some strange men showed up to me. I'm not sure whether they are trying to kidnap me or what but they did attacking me.

Aoba : Uh huh

Mizuki : Til, I accidentally let my guard down for a second. One of them hit me at the back of my neck. I can still stay consciousness but I can't fight back. They injecting something into me and it's really torturing. Like some sharp things run around all over inside my body.

Aoba : I see........


I bit my lower lip to calm myself. Everyone around is quiet, waiting for me to respond. It's a huge pressure but I try my best to arrange my words and explain to Mizuki.

Blood for me// Dramatical Murders [All×Aoba]Where stories live. Discover now