charpter 10 : Innocent as glass [CleAo]

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Aoba's pov :

          Ah...... I took some break after separate from Noiz. Somehow, it's strange that they're no one following me at all. But I'll took this opportunity to think of something. Who should I met up with? Koujaku and Noiz won't be options, they already have their best surviving alone. I shouldn't bother them. Well I guess let's just run a bit more, I need to find more information.

          I dash around to make sure that this area is safe, and of course it does. Great! I have a place to hide now, let's go somewhere else. I walk normally down the alleyway. When I noticed, I heard a running step towards me. I need to run! Like this they wouldn't be able to spot me.

          I run further enough but can still hear the footsteps. How did they know where I'm heading? I hide in the nearby corner and wait. A shadow of a man run pass me. Huh? Only one? Didn't normally they came in group? I quietly looked at the man. !!! He noticed me!


Aoba : Shi-

? : Aoba saaaaaan!!!! Please don't leave me!!

Aoba : Eh- San? Clear? Is that you?

Clear : Aoba san..... why did you ran away from me? I just want to be with you......... q~q

Aoba : No! I didn't ran away from you! Someone is following me!

Clear : It was me! There's no one else around here......

Aoba : O-Oh...... sorry

Clear : Ah! Please don't apologize! I forgot to yell at you since I don't want to be caught as well.

Aoba : Well I think it's fine then


          I pat Clear's back, it's pretty much safe here so we can sit and have some talk before heading somewhere else. At least be with someone is better than being alone I think. Especially during this time.


Aoba : Say..... where have you been?

Clear : I took around a day to come inside here after we all separated. And when I came in, I was all alone....... I know no one here at all. It was scwaryyyyyyy...............

Aoba : Ah ah *pat Clear's head gently* It's okay it's okay. I'm glad to know that you are safe.

Clear : *nod*

Aoba : Anyway, we need information if we'll make a move. All I know is that the original vampire we're looking for is inside the Oval tower and there're traps everywhere inside including hundreds of vampires.

Clear : Mmmmmm didn't if we wanted to know something we should ask the police?

Aoba : Can't. Toue corporation has taken 1/3 of our island, means that the police will also be on their side.

Clear : Ah...... I guess we could ask someone else around the tower.

Aoba : Great idea. Are you still tired?

Clear : Not anymore!

Aoba : Great! Let's go!


          We walk through the street as we blend in with crowd. I followed Clear as he walk. Hmmm? Where did he lead me to? This isn't where Oval tower is. Maybe he know someone who can get information here? Clear leads me to on giant building and turn his head at me.


Clear : You said it's the Oval tower right? Maybe that's why I hear a lot of sound inside this building. We need to be careful from now on!

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