Chapter 1 : The appearance

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In the evening at the playground in old residence, there were two young children playing on a swing. But their emotions don't seems that they were having fun at all.

Ren : Aoba?

Aoba : Mmm?

Ren : Why are you crying?

Aoba : I'm not.....

Ren : But you still look sad

Aoba : I miss mama and papa..... granny still working so no one can play with us

Ren : Hmmm but Aoba, you're not alone. You still have me, your brother.

Aoba : I know..... I don't feel lonely, I'm just sad....

Ren : ..... Yeah.... I get it. Hey! How about when we get back home we play together in bathtub? Papa isn't there, but I think we can still play.

Aoba : Really?

Ren : Of course- !!

Aoba : !!!

As the two kids talking, someone approached them. The person approaching to the kids seems a bit older than them, but can be recognized as kid as well.

?? : Oh! It must be you guys!

Aoba : Huh?

Ren : //Aoba, stare at him

Aoba : //Why?

Ren : //Intimidating him so he won't hurt us.

Aoba : //Ok
?? : I..... didn't came here to hurt you or anything. I just wonder if Tae san's grandchildren are here

Aoba : Oh! We are granny's grandchildren!

Ren : Aoba!

?? : I see. She told me to find you, I'll be your neighbor anyway.

Ren : So that's mean we'll see each other everyday?

?? : Of course! So I came all along here to find you guys

Aoba : A neighbor! We are having a new friend Ren!

Ren : Well I'm glad to hear that

?? : You brother-sister are get along so well aren't you?

Ren : He's a boy

?? : Huh?

Aoba : Uwaaaaaa someone thinks Aoba's a girl again..... Q~Q

?? : I-I'm so sorry!! I didn't know that. Oh! I think I forgot something, my name is.......




20xx, Midorijima
Aoba : 13
Ren : 13

          It's been a while when the two playing together alone. It is 17:01 already and they both need to go home.

Ren : Aoba! It's late already! We have to go home!

Aoba : Aww Rennnnnnn. One more round please? I want to be the one to hide

Ren : *sigh* okay. One more time and we'll be heading home

Aoba : Ok!

          It is night time, Tae heard the knock at the door. She turn off the TV and open the front door as she shouted

Tae : If both of you going to come back this late, why don't you go sleep at- Ren? Where's Aoba?

Ren : ........

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