Bonus story

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Ren's pov :

When I woke up after my serious injured, there's a new about the Oval tower. It seems there are terrorists thing happened and it break down destroying the dome of the Platinum Jail. Toue's corporations members as well as Toue himself seems to disappear without trace after what had happened. I wish they'll never came back.

After I fully recovered, everything just went back to normal. Aoba as well turn back to human. It's almost like nothing had happened before......

Half a year later, Aoba invite everyone that fight along together for thanks giving at our house. Granny wasn't home since she go celebrate with her friends and let us have some times together.


Ren : What inspire you to invite them here anyway?

Aoba : Well..... after that incident, we never had get along time together at all. So now that Mink and Noiz came back here for a visit, I'm planning on celebrate and stuff!!

Ren : You seems energetic today.......


I just shake my head and smile to Aoba. I guess he just want to have a friendly feeling toward them....... I don't know what else to describe. I went out and go buy some beverage for this celebration of his.

As I am choosing some snack, Clear walk up to me and greet me with his normal manner.


Clear : Good evening Ren san!

Ren : Hey there. Are you excited to go to Aoba's invitation?

Clear : Of course! I also want to hang out with everyone as well since we gone through lots of thing.

Ren : That's good to hear. Did your eye getting better?

Clear : It is! Thank you for asking, I was scared that I'll be one sided blind but now that I'm doing well it just happy!

Ren : It's relief to hear that.


I just smile at him and continue choosing snacks and beverage. After I bought everything, I walk home along with Clear. Along the way, I saw Koujaku walking towards my house as well.

When the three of us arrived, we enter the house. I can hear something from the kitchen....... no...... no no no no no it's not what I think right? I quickly ran to the kitchen and saw something I always afraid to see.


Ren : Aoba.......

Aoba : Oh? Welcome home! I just finished making dinner.

Noiz : Hmm? So we have more coming huh?

Mink : Not surprise.

Koujaku : Oi...... Aoba....... did you cook that by yourself?

Aoba : What? Of course I cook them by myself! I invite you guys then I have the responsibility to cook food.

Ren : You COULD just order it.

Aoba : That is rude! Just come in and sit down, I finish this meal already.


I sat in the available seat. Dang it.......... if I know he's gonna cook, I would have buy instant food from the store. Because........


Koujaku : T......Thanks...... for the meal........

Clear : Thanks for the meal!!


Koujaku struggle to eat the meal while the rest just eat normally in response. Aoba just sat there and wait for the comments on his food until.....


Noiz : Ugh!

Mink : ........

Clear : It's soooo gooood!!!!!

Koujaku : Y.... yeah..... i-it's really good........

Noiz : *Throw up in the bag* WHAT IN THE FUCK DID YOU MAKE???!!

Aoba : Eh?

Mink : *put down the fork* Maybe you should take some cooking lesson though.

Aoba : EEh?!

Koujaku : Ha ha! Don't listen to them I-I'll eat it see? *Force himself to eat the food*

Aoba : Uh.........

Clear : I finish! Can I have more?

Noiz : *Give his plate to Clear* Take it, I can't- *continue throw up*

Ren : ........

Aoba : R...Ren....... please tell me it isn't that bad......

Ren : *Looked away*

Aoba : Oh come on!! You don't even touch your plate! Was I that bad?

Noiz : ugh! Yes! Urg- *Continue throw up again*

Mink : ........ I'll just have some drink and end this celebration.


In the end, I cooked everyone a small meal as an apology and give all of them bag of snacks with beverage. After the celebration is over, everyone else get back to their place. I clean up with Aoba while he still sobbing.


Aoba : I'm sorry....... I didn't know my cooking was that terrible.

Ren : Well.......

Aoba : Ren! Why did you never told me how bad my cooking is? If I know I would learn hardly!

Ren : Sorry about that, but I actually told you plenty of time. You're the one that didn't listen to me.

Aoba : Wahhhhhhh now none of them will trust me on cooking ever....... my friendships are overrrrrrr


I just grin as I listen to him and pat his head. At least I know he didn't meant to and actually feel bad. Ah......... maybe I should teach him when we both have free time......




Hi! I know this chapter is short and all but I just want to give a little bonuses before actually end this series. I'm sorry if this story is a bit too fast in plot, I'll improve myself in the next one I'll make. Thank you for always reading.

See you in the next series!!

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