chapter 13 : Finals

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Aoba's pov :

I woke up being near Ren, he's still not waking up. My eyelids feels so heavy, maybe because I cried a lot last night. I sit myself up when someone enters the room.


Aoba : .........

Mink : ........ come outside. We need to discuss.


I nodded and just follow Mink outside the room. I'm still worried about Ren but we have something important to do as well.

I sat on the sofa in the living room with Mink, Koujaku, Clear and Noiz. We all silence and wait for what Mink's going to discuss.


Mink : About that abnormally vampire combines. You said you ate it already right?

Aoba : Y...yeah.....

Mink : ...... how come you didn't turn into that form?

Aoba : I think it's because I consume it not combines with it. Well I can't actually explain it though.......

Koujaku : Does it like..... boost you or something?

Aoba : It makes me a little more stronger. I think it's because they're still vampires so their lost energy didn't convert into mine.

Koujaku : Ah.......

Noiz : Almost like eating air.

Mink : Today, we'll attack the tower. I have everything in hand now. *point at Koujaku and Noiz* you two go take care of the vampires in the underground jail.

Koujaku : Wha- why me and him??

Mink : That maniac will hack you in and you'll take care of the vampire and protecting him.

Noiz : Yikes....... but I mean...... do I have any choice?

Mink : *Point to Clear* You

Clear : Yes?

Mink : Protect this place, we don't know if they'll come here to kill Aoba's brother or not. It's also for you to cured up your injured eye.

Clear : Got it!

Mink : *point at Aoba* and you. You'll go with me on fighting Toue and take care of the real vampire.

Aoba : Ah


I nodded my head in agreement. We have quick breakfast and separated into our room to prepare ourselves.

After a while, we all finished preparing. The rest of Mink's men are as well separate in three groups. Some go with Koujaku and Noiz, some will guard this place with Clear, the others will go with me and Mink.

Our group arrived at the back of the Oval tower. There are few guards guarding at the back. Well....... let's say they are no match for us anymore, so I'll skip to where we split up.


Mink : Hold *Take his hand off to stop the group* someone is coming.

Aoba : ........


I close my eyes and focus on hearing, they're some group of people walking towards here. Oh........ I guess they are guards. My job is to detect if they are human or not......


Man1 : Are you sure you located unidentified signals here?

Man2 : Of course! Why would I lie?

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