Chapter 2 : Old friend

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3 months later, Midorijima
          Aoba got his new job. It is similar to his brother Ren but from a different store. He work at Heibon while Ren work at delivery work. It's a good choice for the both of them to keep an eye on Aoba.

Ren : We're going out

Tae : Don't forget to lock your door

Aoba : Okay

          After the two lock the door, they walked out together to their shop. Dog Ren is walking behind Ren wagging his tail happily like he always does. It is almost a holiday season so they will be very busy and end work early.

Ren : Did you put on sunscreen?

Aoba : Of course. If I don't, I'll burn infront of your eyes.

Ren : Just worry

Aoba : I'm not that careless tho. Thanks to you that the jacket you bought me was thick enough to protect my skin.

Ren : Yeah but I think when we head back we should go find some hat for you as well. For safety anyway

Aoba : Hmm you're right. Well see you after work anyway

Ren : Ok see you

Aoba : Be a good boy

Dog Ren : Arf!

        They split up to their work place at the corner. Not much car is running on the road so it's pretty safe to walk around.

        The time pass to the afternoon, the siblings met each other at the cafe around delivery work for lunch. It's an outside cafe where the customer eat outside and order/pay food inside.

Aoba : How was your work?

Ren : Pretty busy as expect, tho there's no issue around. You?

Aoba : I had to arrange the stuff and phone with the customer at the same time. Glad no accident happen. How about the dog?

Ren : He has a friend to play with while I'm working

Aoba : Did your manager's pet play with him?

Ren : Yeah, she got a dog allmate yesterday and decided to let them play together in a staff room.

Aoba : I see... sure you have a lot of fun huh?

Dog Ren : Arf arf!

Ren : I think we should head home early

Aoba : Why so?

Ren : It nearly holiday season so there will be a lot of tourists came here and the street will fill up with people around. We might have a hard time finding our way home.

Aoba : Sounds right. Let's quickly look for hat and head back

Ren : Kay

          They walk out from the cafe and head to the store.

          As they are choosing, dog Ren started to make a threaten noise.

Ren : ? What is it?

Aoba : What's wrong Ren?

Dog Ren : Grrrrrrrrrr

Aoba : Is something behind me- Gahhh!!!!

          Something touched Aoba's arm. When Aoba turned around, he saw a tall man in red kimono.

?? : Oh.... what a timid person you are

Aoba : What?

Ren : Don't you dare touch my brother without knowing him

?? : God, you siblings are still protected each others like always.

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