Chapter 4 : Stranger

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Few days later, 21:37 Midorijima

          It was a whole 2 days that Aoba forgot to drink blood. He is now struggling in bed try to keep his sanity. He didn't bump into both Koujaku or Clear, and Ren is at his friend's house makes Aoba didn't drink any blood at all. Aoba decided to jump down from his balcony and go looking for his friend.
          As Aoba walk down the street wandering around looking for his friend, his head started to feel lighter like he's going to lose his sanity in no time. Suddenly someone bump into him as that person going to start a fight.

??? : Oi! Where did you think you're going?

Aoba : *turn to the stranger*

??? : You look dead...... whatever, get lost

        Aoba drag the stranger to a dark corner and bite at his neck.

??? : !!! It hurt! Stop!
Aoba : Gah!!

        Aoba push himself away from a stranger after consume enough blood. He quickly look to the stranger as he try to apologize.

Aoba : I'm sorry! Are you ok
??? : .....
Aoba : Hello?

          When Aoba tries to check the man, he immediately being punch in a face and neck locking. As he is suffocating, Aoba push the man away from him and ran back home.

          After a while, Ren got back home and saw Aoba sit in the corner on their bed. He immediately ran to his brother and ask him.

Ren : Aoba! What happen?

Aoba : Ren.... I accidentally bite someone

Ren : !! How did that happen?

Aoba : I didn't drank any blood for the last two days, and when I realize I already bite their neck.

Ren : ...... did they died?

Aoba : No.... but he really pissed off. He might come and try to kill me anytime soon.

Ren : *hugs Aoba* Don't worry, I'll alway stay with you. It's okay

          In the next morning, both Ren and Aoba walk out from the house together. After Ren took Aoba to his work, he look around and walk to his own workplace.
          Everything seems normal until the night fall. While the brothers are changing clothes, suddenly a sound came from the balcony. Ren walk into where the sound came from and immediately get kicked out.

Aoba : Ren!

??? : Don't worry, he's not dead.

Aoba  : !! You......

??? : I've been searching for what you are until your name the whole day, Aoba Seragaki

Aoba : .....

??? : What are you going to do? Bite me? Or drained my blood? Come!

Aoba : .... why did you came here for me?

??? : Is there a reason for a vampire to live?

          While Aoba try to find a way to get away from the strange man, suddenly Clear pushes the man away with strength and ran straight to Aoba

Clear : Aoba san, is Ren san OK?

Aoba : He's okay. He just faint

??? : .... what a strengthful kid

Clear : *Stand up* I... If you're gonna hurt Aoba san, pass my dead body!!!

Aoba : Clear.....

??? : Huh? You actually got some confidence. Very well

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