Chapter 5 : A man who can make you coma

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Midorijima, 13:09

Haga : Aoba kun. Can you deliver this package to this place? It's a bit too far for me to walk and they want it ASAP

Aoba : Sure boss. Off I go!

Haga : Take care!

Aoba went out from the shop and immediately walk to the place the package lead.
When he arrived at the location, it was an old building very far to the north district. Aoba knocked on the door and some men opened it.

Man 1 : Oi! What did you want?

Aoba : I'm here to deliver the package

Man 1 : Heeeeyyyy!!! Who ordered a whore to deliver shit?

Aoba : .....Eh?

Man 2 : Hey! Don't call my stuff a shit! Thanks, you're a bit too late.

Aoba : We're apologize for late delivery. We will try our best to make sure it won't happen again dear costumer.

Man 3 : Eeehhh??? What a cute guy. Wanna come in and chit-chat?

Aoba : I... still have work to do.

Man 1 : Hey! You still need to repay for sending late.

Aoba : ..... I get it

Aoba get in the building as the men told him to. After he entered, one man immediately forced his mouth open and look at it.

Man 1 : As I thought! He's a vampire! Definitely the one that our leader is looking for.

Man 3 : Yeah! The one that escape us 3 years ago

Aoba : !!!

Man 2 : Go get the towel, he definitely put sunscreen on his skin.

The men tied Aoba up and rub the sunscreen on his skin off as much as possible. One man walk off to get some weird looking flashlight.

Man 3 : Oi oi.... we need to punish you for 2 things. 1- for running away 2- for being a naughty boy.

Man 1 : What are you waiting for? Go on!

The man force Aoba's eyes to open and flash the uv light to it. Aoba scream with painful until they stop flashing him. From what they did, Aoba's eyes are unable to see anything. While he is suffering, the three men flash the uv light all over his body until he can't move. All that Aoba can sense is a smell of burnings.
Everything becomes silent. Aoba's sense became dull. Before he knows, his consciousness has fade out.


?? : Oi..... wake up! Oi!

Aoba : !!

Unable to see, Aoba woke up from a voice calling him. As he touched on something, the same voice then talk.

?? : Drink up. Heal yourself

Aoba : .....

When Aoba took his hand and touched something, as he noticed the arm he immediately sunk his fangs on it. He drinks blood as much as he need and lift his head up. Aoba's eyes are healed and able to see again.
After he able to see, he looked around and saw a giant figure sit next to him. Aoba sit up and talk to the strange man.

Aoba : Did you... save me?

?? : You could say that.

Aoba : ..... thank you

?? : ...... come down

Aoba : ???

The man stood up and walk out from the door. Aoba also follow the man. When they reach the bottom floor, Aoba saw the three men that hurting him before. They are all tied up and had wound of being punch

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