chapter 9 : Sound below the heart [NoiAo]

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Aoba's pov :

I've been running for quite a while and I'm sure me and Koujaku is really far away. I hide in a closest alley and took some break. When I looked behind there's another group of them pointing at me.


Man1 : It's him!!!

Aoba : Shit! *run*

Man2 : Oi! Quickly! Don't let him get away!


I ran away without looking back, taking a lot of turn so much I forgot how many time I turned. As I unconsciously running, something grabbed me from the dark and pull me toward it. It's not a thing....... it's someone....... they cover my mouth and wrap me tied. I tried to struggle from the grasp, but they just wrap me more. I can't move....... I don't see their face yet so I can't just hurt them!

I heard sound from those who chase me walk and look around. When they can't find me, they walk out from our area. As the silent take place, I struggle again and got out from their grip.


Aoba : Who are you?!

?? : ....... Not a thank you?

Aoba : !!? Noiz?

Noiz : Well...... who else would I be?

Aoba : You could at least tell me! I thought I was being captured!

Noiz : *sigh* naive......

Aoba : Tch...... anyway, I was about to look for you. I find the possible place that the original vampire was.

Noiz : Huh..... wonder where could he be.

Aoba : Wait..... did you already know?

Noiz : No? But I guess he could be near a place where that old man would stay.

Aoba : Well..... yeah. It's the Oval tower

Noiz : I get it...... you want me to hack inside the tower and let you inside, am I wrong?

Aoba : Well..... you're right...... please?

Noiz : No

Aoba : But..... why?

Noiz : I just came here so you won't die before I got my repay. You ask me to help once as well so my repay has to be double.

Aoba : Can we talk about this later? I will do whatever after everything ends and I turn back to human.

Noiz : You have antidotes, why not using them?

Aoba : I need to finish the business first. I'm not the only vampire here, only vampire can fight with vampire.

Noiz : Hmp still, you ask for my help too much now.

Aoba : Ugh..... fine. I know already that you won't cooperate. I just at least want to told you. I guess I just hope too much tho........

Noiz : ...... And?

Aoba : I'll go now..... if you only follow me just for revenge or whatever then don't follow me. If you won't going to help then I'll find a way on my own.

Noiz : It's completely impossible. Especially someone like you.

Aoba : I know...... but what else I could do?


I walk away from Noiz. I don't have any other reason to be with him any longer, he barely cares about everyone else so I don't need to be with him. Ugh...... I feel hungry........ not for blood but for food. I decided to take off all my thoughts and find something to eat.

Blood for me// Dramatical Murders [All×Aoba]Where stories live. Discover now