Take A Chance On Me

57 3 1

Summer 1967

"Hey, have you heard about the new student? the Spanish girl that just moved to this school?" ask Helena

"A girl from Spain?? Who?" Agnetha was so curious with the new girl. She's been dreaming about visiting Spain; the warmth, the food, beautiful palaces.

"Shhhh... here she comes!" said Helena

Jet black hair, 5'7" feet tall, cherry red lips, sparkling blue eyes, walks through the corridor wearing white shirt with black tight jeans and brown leather boots, holding her helm in one hand and another holding an envelope. With one look, Agnetha instantly having a crush with the new girl. 

"Anna?... Anna!!" 

Agnetha was mesmerized. She couldn't take her eyes off the new girl. As the girl passed by, she leaves a little smile after noticing Agnetha, with her mouth open, staring at the girl.

"Anna!!!" shout Helena pinching Agnetha's arm 

"Ouch!! It hurts!"

"Earth to Anna? Hello? Why do you stare at her like that? That girl is a threat" said Helena crossing her arms 

"What? why? I think she's... unique" 

"Unique? Please... With that kind of look? She must be a queer! Ewww!"


"Oh, the bell is ringing! Thank God today is only English and Geography. Gotta go! Bye Annaaa..." 

Agnetha just waved at her friend, not saying anything. Helena is Agnetha's close friend. Well, Helena thinks they're close but Agnetha just see her as a classmate. She doesn't like the way Helena always judging people and being a racist towards other classmates from another country. She's chatty and thinks she knows everything about everyone. Agnetha has tried to take a few step back from their friendship but Helena's kindness such as; taking care of her when she's sick, being number 1 support, helping her with homework, makes Agnetha feel like a bad person.


Finally, last day of school before long breaks. Agnetha sigh a big relief after the bell rang; It's time to go home. 


"Hey, watch where you go..." said the Spanish girl

"I'm sorry, I was just thinking... uhm no, i mean... Sorry. I'm really really sorry... I didn't mean to. I was daydreaming." Agnetha reply nervously 

"It's okay, sorry if i was rude... Let me help you hold those books" the Spanish girl took the books from Agnetha's hand

"Oh, you don't ha-"

"No, no, no. Let me." the spanish girl insisted

"That's very kind of you. I -"

"I'm Mayte. You're Agnetha, right?" ask Mayte

"Yes, how did you know?" Agnetha reply

"You're different.... And pretty." said Mayte

"Ahh..." Agnetha blushed

"Where are you going with these books? Library?" ask Mayte

"Actually, those are my books... Helena borrowed them and she-"

"Ah, Grumpy Helena." cut Mayte

"Do you always like that? Cutting off conversation as if-" ask Agnetha furious 


"Ugh, give me those damn books!" Agnetha takes her books from Mayte and storm out

Mayte was confused. She's asking herself what she did wrong or maybe she has offended her? Mayte chase Agnetha to the parking lot, feeling bad letting Agnetha walking with heavy books and anger on her face.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2023 ⏰

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