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I was driving 120 km/hour that morning just to find that bastard.


There he is! I know that's Frank! He's walking into a hotel???? What the hell is he doing? I'm gonna find out!

I parked my car and followed him. I hide behind the car and get into the hotel. Frank walks straight to the stairs, but wait. Who's that girl? A girl just gave him a bag and then disappear. I keep following him without getting caught. Frank stays at this hotel. He got in to his room, but shit, I don't have the key! What should I do? After 5 minutes of depressing moment, a janitor walks with keys hanging on his pants. I sneak behind him and try to take one of those keys as quickly as possible. And thank God, i finally have it. I open Frank's door quietly, and look around the room, Frank isn't there. He's probably in the bathroom. I sneak in and close the door slowly. There's lots of suitcase! I guess he's busy packing. But something caught my eyes, that bag... the bag form the girl I saw earlier. I open it, and it was a laptop inside! I turned on and while waiting, I look around, there's some pictures of me and Agnetha! Omg, he's a stalker!! There's even pictures of me and Agnetha having a sex! Wtf...


Shit. Frank is coming! I turn around and look, but Frank isn't there. I continued my research. I surf his laptop and shit... there's a file name "The Blonde". Is he really working for the media? Or he's an agent? I open the file, and there's lots of Agnetha pictures and all of the information about her. Her past life, her job, her daily activity, etc. I scroll down, and there's me too! I scroll down again, there's a picture of that girl. The girl who gave him the laptop. A small picture of her and a screenshot of her email to Frank. I'm so curious! I want to know what's her email about! And what it has to do with me and Agnetha.


Shit, its Frank!

"What are you doing here? And what are you doing with my laptop?!"
"The real question is, what the hell are you doing here? What are you actually doing here?! And why there's picture of me and Agnetha? You've been stalking us?!"
"So you've seen the file?"
"What do you want from us? What kind of media doing shit like this?!"
"Hahaha, Media? Poor Agnetha... she just doesn't know..."
"W-w-what do y-y-you mean???"

Frank slowly walks closer to me and I'm starting loosing my mind. I'm scare right now.

"What do you want from us? Stay away from our life!"
"Oh Frida, the mission was just to kill the blonde, but now I guess I have to kill the red hair too!"

Frank slap my face with his right hand and push me on to his bed. My head started to spin a little. I tried to fight back but he was too strong. He tried to pull his gun,  I take a chances to kick him right in the.... Well, you know..... He's down, I punch him right in the face. I grab the laptop and run, his hand holding my left feet and pulled me down. I tried to let go, but he's pulling me closer. His hands already near my thighs and I kick him in the face and ran away. I picked up the laptop that fell. I'm near the door, he's starting to shoot. I run as fast as possible and take the elevator.

"Father please help me. I don't wanna die today. Please Lord!"

I take a deep breath, calming myself. While waiting until the elevator hits the lobby, Im trying to breathe normally. The last time I was running it was when I chase my dog. And it was a loooonnggg time ago! And geezzzz, I'm not that young anymore. I can't run like that anymore. I hide the laptop inside my shirt, and luckily, the laptop wasn't big.


"Oh thank God, finally!"

When the elevator opens the door, I was shocked, Frank was standing in front of it, waiting for me. His face covered with his blood, he smiled at me. He point his gun and it was only me inside that elevator. His smile is getting bigger and said,

"Gute Nacht!"


I duck right before he pull the trigger. I ran out and push him away. He's starting to shoot and ......



The bullet hit my left arm. He tried to take another shoot but he ran out of bullets. I look back, he was already behind me, he punch me and I was down. I kick him and trying to take the vase to hit him with it. He pulls my leg and I kick his face with my other leg. I grab the vase and hit him. He passed out, and I tried to stand up again. There's so much blood on my left arm. I just tried to hold the pain until I get home to Agnetha. Before I go, I wasn't satisfied with what I did, so I kick him again in the face. I saw like his ID - Card on his right chest, I grab it and leave.

"Just for saving a laptop, I have to sacrifice my left arm. Ugh..."

I hooped into my car and leave the parking lot. I feel like I've been driving for hours but still hasn't arrive yet. My head is getting dizzy and my eyes starting to blur. Agnetha's house is still a mile away. My body starts to feel heavier. My eyes already shut and all heard was a crash.

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