Chapter 23

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"Marry me." Akari said out of nowhere..

Mitsuya choked on air once he heard her bold statement. He likes-no, loves her a lot but what are the odds of her that out of every love interest she has in toman- she'd proposed to him!

It's not like he doesn't like that she proposed to him or anything but isn't it supposed to be the other way around? He should be the one asking for her hand in marriage! And why would she just asked this out of nowhere?!

"Ah shoot.. Sorry that slipped out.." Akari said as her eyes widened in realization. She blushed and looked away from him, embarrassed that she said her thoughts out loud like that.

Meanwhile mitsuya was still processing the sudden proposal from her, as he gulped nervously before asking, "W-why me? I mean.. Why did you ask me that..?" He managed to asked her.

Akari's face blushed terribly more when he asked. Then she slowly looked at him shyly, "Well.. I never told you this before but.. i-i've always thought you were some sort of 'husband material'! totally someone I wouldn't hesitate to marry.. I mean!" She confessed, hiding her face by looking down.

'I'm.. husband material? Me??' Mitsuya thought.

A blushed suddenly plastered across his cheeks, shocked that she actually wanted to marry him and thinks of him as a 'husband material'. It made him very prideful of being like a husband material in her eyes, knowing that his chance of marrying her in the future is higher now!

'She's so cute! Damn..I'd even marry you now if you want!' He thought as he tighten his hold on the parasol's handle, as he covered his blushing face with his free hand while looking at her. 'I can't wait to make a wedding dress for her once we get married!' He thought happily.

She put her hand on his shoulder, making the lavender haired male to snapped out of his daydream of her wearing the wedding dress he made himself.

"Well.. I'm not really proposing to you or anything.. Erm.. Since we're still both young for these.. y'know? Though I really think you'll be a great husband one day! I mean.. You can cook! clean! you also take great care of your little sisters! and you can even sew clothes! Those traits really is great to have.. that's why I admire you.. and like everything about you..! You're really amazing more than you think you are to me, Takachan.." She said as she grabbed the hem of his sleeveless jacket, not looking at him because of embarrassment.

'Ahh!! Why did I said that!? It sounds like I'm confessing to him!!' She screamed in her head, holding onto mana chan's sleeping form in dear life!

Mitsuya blushed, he could feel his heart beating so fast and hard against his chest. He couldn't help but feel like he is in cloud nine when he heard about her words. It made him happy so damn much! He wouldn't care hard it takes him to grow up to become like as she expected as long as she could be his.

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