Chapter 16

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Airi thought it was finally time to tell her brother and friends about the good news. She decided to invite them to dinner to tell them the good news. Ryuji was making breakfast and Airi decided to break the news to him.

"Nii-san? I have something to tell you."

He turns around and looks concerned.

"You're not pregnant or getting married by any chance?"

"What? No! This is something completely different!"

He sighs and sits down. "What's up?"

"So this video of me signing went viral. I got contacted by a Korean entertainment company. I had a meeting with them and they offered me to become a trainee."

"Really? When did all of this happen?"

"About a week or two ago."

"And you thought now was the time to tell me?"

"I know I should have told you earlier but I was having trouble. There was just a lot I was going through. I decided to sign their contract."

"So what now?"

"I guess I'm moving to Korea."

"Why didn't you talk to me before signing that contract?"

"It was my decision to make, not yours."

"I'm your older brother. I have every right to control what you do."

"You need to stop treating me like I'm a kid! I'm an adult and perfectly capable of making my own choices."

"Look where that has gotten you?"

"I can't believe you! This is my chance for my dream to come true and you aren't supporting me?"

"What if something happens while you're in Korea? I won't be there to help you."

"I'm totally fine, please just trust me."

Ryuji sighs. "Fine, but if you get hurt again, I won't stay still."

Airi smiles and she walks over and hugs her brother tightly, tears coming from her eyes.

"I love you."

"I love you too. Now when are you supposed to be leaving?"

"In three days."

"That's a short amount of time."

"I have lots to pack."

"Yeah, I'll help you. Let's get started shall we?"


Yugi had contacted Kaiba, wanting to speak to him about something important. The two decided to meet up at a secluded cafe and talk.

Yugi had a cup of tea in front of him and Kaiba had a cup of coffee in front of him.

"So Yugi, what makes you summon me all the way here?"

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