Letting Go

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Next time Estevan met the emperor was not a coincidence. The children were insistent of visiting the palace and eventually, he gave in. It can't do any harm, right? So he called up Desmond and arranged a day. Both were dressed up in their best and were even in their best behavior.

They reached the palace in fifteen minutes. Only VIPs manage to get a visit to the palace. His children were vibrating with energy. Desmond greeted them and then they were led in by Lukas Valence. The kid immediately charmed his two and they were talking as they made their way.

Estevan took in the walls, the various doors- all built extraordinarily. The palace was a labyrinth. But not in a bad way. For security reasons, this was perhaps the best solution.

They were led directly to the emperor who was dismissing the group he was speaking with, probably the previous appointment.

"Good morning El, Myles," said Hector. Elio loved his pet name and preened. He then rushed to take the emperor's hand. Myles nodded.

"Good Morning"

Hector was looking at him and gave a small nod before turning to the kids.

"Let me show you around then," he said.

"You can just send a staff, we will be fine," said Estevan.

"Your highness- he added as an afterthought. Hector seemed truly amused by this.

"They are my guests. I must give them the tour myself," said Hector. Elio nodded along. Estevan sighed internally but followed them. He watched silently as the kids took in all the details and kept asking questions with their endless energy. Hector doesn't seem to tire. There was endless patience as he spoke to them. If it were Estevan, he would have bribed them with an ice cream half way.

"You are from Valley?" asked Desmond.


"It's a long distance to move to," he asked again.

"It is. I wanted my children to grow up in a peaceful environment. Valley is not the place for that," said Estevan.

"Their other parent?"

"It's a bit personal."

"Oh, I am sorry. I didn't mean to pry."

Estevan gave a small nod.

The rest of the tour was uneventful.

They had lunch with the emperor who was shamelessly bribing his children with food.

"My stomach is crying now. Can't eat more," said Elio with a pout.

Estevan took him to the wash area. It was time to leave.

"Your highness, the next appointment is here," said Desmond.

Hector nodded and looked back at the children.

"You know, you should come to the annual football match. Myles is playing," said Elio, eagerly.

"Elio," Estevan rebuked him.

"I mean, if you can," amended Elio.

"I will see if I can make it," said Hector.

With that the three of them left.


Hector wanted to go. The children had no vested interest in their hearts when they invited him and for that alone, he wanted to go. They were lovely children and will be extraordinary men some day. Its refreshing to interact with someone who is not trying to get the maximum out of you. He loved children. He had wanted to have a child of his own someday. The thought of smiles on their faces made sure that he made space in his tight schedule.

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