All of Ours

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The wedding plans were going well. They didn't plan on inviting many. It will be an intimate function. Hector refused to invite his grandparents. He just didn't want to after what they did to his son. Giovanni grew up an orphan because of them.

The wedding day dawned clear and bright. They will have the function in their own backyard. Since they are not religiously inclined, Estevan and Hector made their vows to each other underneath a cherry blossom in their yard, exchanging rings. Giovanni was Hector's best man and Myles- Estevan's. The groomsmen included Elio and Marcus. Nico being the youngest was the ring bearer.

The entire day was a blur for Hector because all he could feel was the overwhelming sense of happiness and Estevan's steady hand on his. He saw Giovanni dance with Lukas.

"They look beautiful together," said Myles, raising an eyebrow looking at the parents.

"Undoubtedly. But lets not be hasty," said Hector, ruffling his hair.

When all the guests left them to be alone and spend some time as married couple- it took Hector a moment to gather his thoughts. Afterall, this had been a match he was blessed with late in life. He looked at Estevan who sat down beside him.

"I am thankful for everything that led us to this moment, except your injury of course- but everything else," said Hector.

"I never thought there would be a day like this," said Estevan, taking his hand.

The kiss that followed was slow and passionate. Then it took a life of its own. Estevan is a passionate man behind all those layers he has put up. All Hector could do was clutch his hair softly when his husband- husband worked him open with his mouth. When Hector felt the first intrusion of his husband's cock, it was the tipping point and he lost all semblance of control. He let out a soft mewl. Then with his husband buried to hilt, Hector could only let out a soft 'move'.

And move, Estevan did. His thrusts tantalizing and sweetly torturous. It made Hector see stars. Estevan marked him – every inch of his skin. He returned that passion tenfold- leaving a mark on his alpha's neck where everyone can see and never doubt what it is. When Estevan finally tipped over the edge, they were locked together by a knot as he spilled. Knotting completes a mating. They stayed like that for a while, Hector tracing each scar on Estevan with his finger. They didn't stop there. The whole night spread out before them as the coupling continued well into early morning.


For the first time in his life, Giovanni realized how it feels to be embarrassed. He knew its not just him Myles and Lukas looked red too. Papa and Baba smelled like each other and there was no doubting the scents of fresh mating that surrounded them at the breakfast table. Giovanni has every plan to lock every staff out of the house if this is how they both are going to smell throughout the week.

"Go to the office today. The Marinos are aware we are occupied. It won't be good to have them think we are open to an attack. You going there will let them see we are on alert," said Estevan. Giovanni nodded.

Lukas will stay back with the children. Giovanni had Timothy with him. That was helpful. He must say he didn't expect the Mantis members to listen to him. They were the Mantis after all and he is the step son of their alpha. But he was indeed surprised by them and their deference.


Hector noticed Estevan was deep in thought. He walked over leaning onto his shoulder a bit, wrapping his arms around him. Estevan shifted and pressed a kiss on Hector's forehead. They looked at each other. They never did get moments to be tender with each other despite living together for almost six months.

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