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Estevan watched as Hector ate. The children were talking to him in obvious attempts to keep his spirits up. Once the children were safely in bed, they finished their remaining works for the day. Hector seemed deep in thought.

"They may demand a quick wedding- the traditionalist faction, to show that I am conforming to tradition at least now," said Hector.

"Yes. You need to be careful. They will use this situation for their means," said Estevan.

"I have Mantis alpha by my side," smiled Hector, a little feebly.

"True. You do," said Estevan.

Hector kissed him first this time. Kissing Hector was all consuming. His lips felt soft but his tongue fierce, never giving up dominance. He pressed his omega to the bed, kissing him as he towered over him. Hector's arms wrapped around his broad shoulders. Their first kiss had been almost a week back.

When they fell asleep that night, Hector's arm was still around his stomach.

Next morning, his staff had some unexpected news for him.

Hector was busy. He had been going over some residences and discussing security specifics. He was trying to make himself busy. Estevan was still home. The man looked to be contemplating something as he walked over.

"Giovanni Leventis was behind the news," said Estevan.

"Assumed as much. I once thought he could be related to the Mantis you know? He sure has a grudge," said Hector.

"Did you try to find out what it could be?"

"Yes. Desmond was repeatedly looking into it," said Hector.

"Either Desmond didn't look or someone misguided him," said Estevan.

"What? No one can influence Desmond- and he stopped short. There is one person who could influence Desmond- his grandfather.

"Grandpa knows his cause for grudge?"

He contemplated all possibilities.

"Giovanni Leventis was born Giovanni Accardi to Hector Accardi and Casper Mancini. He was given to a palace servant to be handed over to an orphanage and report back. The child grew up in the orphanage and his education was funded by your grandfather. The servant who dropped the child off spilled and he learned about you. As far as he knows, he was thrown away and his father was killed – no justice served. He is yours," said Estevan.

Hector was not sure he heard right. Did he say- did he just-

"Estevan- you-

He blindly walked out and found Desmond. He grabbed the man by his shirt.

"Is Giovanni mine? Is he?" he asked, not caring his guards and staff, Estevan's guards and staff were all around.

Desmond looked defeated as he looked at Hector.

"He is. Your grandfather -

"Leave. Leave now. You can go stay with my grandfather," said Hector and he sat down on the floor in the middle of the room which was now empty. Twenty-six years of his life he had grieved a person who was alive- a person who is a part of his soul. He had stood near his son and still had not known.

Estevan stepped in.

"I want to see him," said Hector.

Estevan nodded.

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