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Hector tried to focus. It was hard. He was distracted and therefore he was not paying attention. Giovanni had been quiet for a while. However, he should have known something would go wrong.

"Emperor- A Devil?" The article goes on to quote his atrocities against his own family- most of all genuine with genuine reasons from his part. What stood out was Igor's account of mental abuse from the omega who was once betrothed to him. The article even went on to question how stable he is and if an omega like him should be in power.

It was exhausting- the damage control. Meetings after meetings were held. He had to speak and reassure people and also issue public statement. It took him two months to do some amount of damage control. Sometimes he would look at the card the Di Rey's sent him, reassuring himself. It was not easy.

And then, Elio came to palace. Alone.

Hector picked up the kid who looked spooked even as he reached Hector.

"Wanted to see you," he said as he hugged Hector tight.

"I am happy to see you but you shouldn't have come here without telling you father," he said and turned to Desmond.

"Call Estevan and tell him."

Hector reassured Elio that he was doing fine. The child was shivering from cold. He took him inside and fed him. He had to cancel some meetings to stay with Elio. He had shown the dragon he was carrying in his bag.

Estevan reached in 15 minutes. He took Elio in his arms and said child seemed worried about being scolded.

"You are grounded for the rest of your life. See if I leave you alone for a minute again," said Estevan. Elio pouted.

"I missed him," he said.

"So? Its okay to run away on your own? What would have happened- and Estevan went off on a tirade. Myles took the opportunity to come to him.

"How are you?" he asked.

"I am good. I- thank you for the lion and the pendant. You know I am not a baby," he huffed.

"But you still liked the lion?"

"Well, it's a lion- so," he said. Hector ruffled his hair. Elio was scrunching his nose up as he was still being scolded.


"You do not get involved in this. If you didn't decide to barge into my house, none of this would have happened," snapped Estevan in a tone no one would dare use with the emperor. Hector knew it's not his place. So he left the family to be on their own. He couldn't focus on work even as he sat in his office.

There was a knock. He looked up. Estevan stood there.

"I do not know what you did but my children are extremely fond of you. If the invite is still open, I will have them call you once in a while," said Estevan.

"But it is dangerous. You were right about that," said Hector.

"Not as dangerous as my children running away on their own, No," said Estevan.

Their eyes met for a moment. Estevan's eyes were glacial. He broke the gaze first and left.


"They are great children," said Hector.

His grandmother ran her hand through his hair. Hector raised an eyebrow.

"You said you were drawn outside that day in the estate?" she asked.

"Yes. Why? Are you still hung up on that?" asked Hector amused.

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