Let Me

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Hector watched as Elio chased around Icarus who was happily yipping. The palace did have children. But his nephews and nieces never show up in the royal wing. They were afraid of him and kept the distance because of his clash with their parents. Elio's childish laughter filled the void.

Myles was playing badminton with Lukas who was indulging him for now. Lukas promised Elio to bring Marcus and Nico by the next day so that he can play with them. Elio even charmed his grandfather, getting bribes for affection in the form of sweets and chocolate. Myles was scared of his grandfather but has clearly impressed the man with his quick wit. They both were putty in grandmother's hands and he was truly amused.

They call Estevan every day. He seemed to be busy but always spends as much time as the children want with them.

"Many of our go downs are infiltrated. Our port compromised. It will take some time," Estevan had told him. Mantis had men and women- alphas, betas and omegas willing to do their part. Hector tried not to get used to having the children around- of talking to Estevan every day.

"Leventis has been quiet for a while. I am worried," said Lukas, drawing his attention. Hector had been immersed in thought while at work and surrounded by his staff.

"I am keeping an eye on him," said Desmond but even he sounded worried.

"The Mantis network is vast. Deeper than ours- started Desmond.

"No. We are not asking Estevan. He has enough on his plate. As for Giovanni, we will see. He won't harm me physically. He never tried for that," said Hector.

"I have never met someone with zero self- preservation before meeting you," snapped Lukas and stormed out. Hector smiled amused.

"Lukas can hold a grudge. He thinks its his failure that Giovanni Leventis is still poised to strike," said Desmond.

"He will come around. Giovanni- he wants to settle scores. I wish I knew what," said Hector.


The Mantis becoming active again made news. Hector meanwhile found himself with two interlopers who sometimes sleep wrapped up together. They sometimes stay up with him.

"I will be coming tomorrow. Pack your bags," said Estevan, a week later.

The children smiled and nodded.

Hector was happy for them. He truly was. But even as he got ready to greet Estevan next day, he couldn't shake off the numbness he felt. He sat before his mirror, unable to get up. He got up. Estevan was in a suit. He has never seen the man in a suit before. He looked as sharp and imposing as ever. His grandfather and grandmother were already making conversation.

Hector felt like he was watching everything from a distance. Like the world went on with only him stuck in the memories. What if he asked? What if Estevan said yes? He has to be realistic. He will have a family- a husband but more? Estevan loved his children and he will tolerate Hector. They can be companions. Was it better than what he has in the palace? Yes, definitely. Was it enough? It is more than he had hoped for.

Estevan saw him first and gave a small nod. They had lunch together, all of them. They were ready to leave soon enough. The children went on to place their bags.

He couldn't utter the words. He felt frozen.

"We will be off then. I will call you once we arrive," said Estevan.

Hector felt blank.

"Will you take me with you?"

It felt foreign, like someone else was asking.

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