What Power Entails

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They moved to the new house soon after. Lukas chose the guest house. Marcus, Elio and Nico were excited to be play mates every day. Giovanni got busy with his office space now open for work. Hector was happy that he still had his boy here. Myles was going to school and Hector couldn't breathe properly till he was back. El, thankfully agreed to be home schooled for now. The wedding preparations were also picking up slowly. In fact, the children have taken full charge. They seemed content with both Estevan and him giving only their opinions. Estevan had his rut and they managed to handle it as they did the heat

It was a sunny day. He thought going out for a breather would be nice. So, he went out with royal guards. Timothy insisted on sending some Mantis guards too which he agreed to. Lukas was guarding Giovanni because Fabian had to return to Central Arkile. He spotted a book shop while he went to meet with the designer. After meeting with the designers, he decided a quick trip to the book shop won't hurt. So, he got a recipe book of Avenor's dishes. He knew Estevan can cook well. He wanted to learn a bit on his own- especially dishes from Avenor. It was a good collection.

They got back home. There were guards who greeted him. But Elio was nowhere to be found.

"Where is El?" he asked.

It's rare for his child to not come running.

"Young Master Elio fell while playing. He has quite an injury. Boss has come. They are in his room," said Colin.

Hector dropped whatever he was holding and rushed to Elio's room.

"Papa," sobbed Elio as soon as he saw him. Hector rushed to his child. He was running a fever. Estevan was silent as he got some medicines.

"Aunt Elena checked me. I am fine. I just need your cuddles," said Elio.

"Papa is going nowhere," said Hector and stayed nearby till Elio fell asleep.

"Why didn't they call me?"

"They called both of us. I picked the call unlike you," said Estevan.

Hector has faced his anger before he came here. So, he knew what it looked like to an extent.

He checked his phone and saw three missed calls from Timothy and Colin.

"It was silent," he said.

"I left him in your care. This is how you care for him? Abandoning him to go off on your own when you feel like it?" asked Estevan.

"I only went to the city. I didn't know this would happen, did I?" asked Hector.

"Its my mistake for expecting too much from you. After all, you are not his birth parent," snapped Estevan and stormed out. Hector didn't know why he was crying. He knew Estevan was angry.

Elio was fast asleep. He laid down next to him and fell asleep. He stirred again when the door opened. It was Giovanni and Myles.

"Is he okay?" asked Giovanni as Myles checked him over.

"Yes. There is an injury. He is on painkillers," said Hector.

"What happened?" asked Giovanni.

"He fell from the swing. The spring was loose," said Hector.

Giovanni was quiet but he sat down next to them, looking at Elio.

"Did you cry Papa?" asked Myles. At that Giovanni also looked at him.

Estevan walked in just then. He checked Elio's fever and asked them to go change and left.

"Did you both argue?" asked Myles.

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