Hilarious Courting

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Giovanni returned to office soon after. Being back in the midst of everything helped. He also began attending counselling. He still had a few nightmares, but he knew eventually, he will be fine. Papa has been a little under the weather but other than that, his family is fine. They are all safe and there within the compound of his house- his home.

He was now walking with Lukas and the two children to the outhouse. Nico was in Lukas's arms, but Marcus was walking holding his hand. They seemed to shrink into themselves when they reached the outhouse.

"Go home, we go back home. This place is scary," said Nico, wailing and kicking. Marcus hid his face on Giovanni's hip as if hiding from a fresh fire burning down his previous home.

"I am so dumb. I didn't think of this," said Lukas. They did get the children counselling but the fearful memories of a fire cannot be erased that quickly in minds so young and impressionable.

Lukas looked a little peaky himself.

"Come, lets go," he said, pulling Lukas away from the building and guiding all three of them back to their home.

"We stay with prince," said Nico.

Lukas was wiping his eyes.

"I am so terrible at this," he mumbled as he tucked Nico into bed. Marcus wrapped himself around his brother.

"No. You are really the best they can have. I should have thought about this possibility too. You know you don't have to earn or deserve a place in this family. My mate or not, you will always be family here. You should know that by now," said Giovanni.

"I am just so used to dealing with everything on my own," said Lukas.

"I know."


Hector sighed as he shifted in bed. Estevan was soothing his back which cramped in the evening.

"We should have Elena look you over. You have been unwell for a couple of days already," said Estevan.

"Let them finish their visit with Kirk and Janet. We will talk to her when she gets back tomorrow. I am fine. Don't worry about me. I know you are having a hard time dealing with the new forces," said Hector.

In the absence of Marinos, there has been a power vacuum. That has everyone up in arms fighting each other to secure that place for themselves. With Gio back on feet, he has a lot of help. Timothy makes sure that Gio doesn't have to handle the bloody side of the turmoil. He also tripled the number of security officers around Giovanni, also bringing in more palace guards. Lukas, as Giovanni's mate, cannot be in charge of his security. Thus, they brought Desmond back. The man is loyal and had managed to protect Hector for so many years.

"All that can wait," said Estevan. Hector looked at him, a faint blush on his face.

"I don't know what I will do if- we will get you looked at tomorrow itself," said Estevan. Hector knew there is no point in arguing. The man can be like a rock sometimes. He simply moved closer and placed his head just above Estevan's chest.

Estevan's arm was on his hair, gently brushing them.

"There are a few grey hairs already," Hector said and looked up to meet his eyes. He did not move from his position.

"Sexy," said Estevan, with a straight face.

Hector pinched his hand gently but snuggled closer. Estevan bent his head a little and pressed a kiss on his forehead.

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