Getting To Know You

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"The Marinos, did you associate with them?" asked the emperor.

"They did try. I prefer working alone," said Giovanni. He had been almost tempted to in rage. But he knew what the Marinos are. He didn't want that blood in his hand. So, he didn't. But he knew the emperor's uncles did collaborate with them. They did try talking him into it. He simply refused.

"Are you hungry? You didn't eat anything in the flight," said the emperor.

"No. I want to be alone," said Giovanni. Each moment with this person was like using a knife to carve out his heart because he has hurt this man unforgivably for a crime he didn't commit. People are out there like eagles crying for his blood just because of his one act of revenge. This man standing before him looking at him worried didn't deserve that.

"Sure. I – We are next door. If I can do anything- just let me know," he said. Giovanni nodded. The emperor left.

Giovanni freshened up but he couldn't lay down to sleep. So he decided to explore the place. He saw Elio in the yard chasing after two children of similar age. Myles was listening to music. A dog lied at his feet. The Mantis alpha was not around. He saw the emperor. He was sitting in the lawn, alone and deep in thought.

"You should either move or stand staring a little farther away," said a voice and he turned to see Lukas.

"Is that how you address the people you work for?" he asked.

"I don't work for you. I work for your father," said Lukas and strode off. Giovanni watched him go. He stepped out and decided that he needed to have a conversation with the emperor. He sat down next to him. The man looked at him, checking him over.

"I wanted to talk to you about the – about what happened. I thought you knew. I am sorry," he said. He felt it was inadequate but he didn't know how else to voice it. He tried his best to let him know how he felt. He will keep trying.

"You have nothing to apologize for. Casper, I didn't know it was grandfather who did it. I- " he broke off.

"Didn't your alpha tell you? He is all knowing right? Casper was not a good man. His intentions towards you deserved that punishment," said Giovanni.

"What do you mean? It can't be. He is lying again," said the emperor looking destroyed for a moment.

"No, he is not. I have the proof with me and I had people look into it or you can ask the Mantis alpha," said Giovanni.

They were silent for a while.

"Will you stay at least for a while?" asked the emperor.

"Do you want me to? I have only hurt you. I am practically a stranger to you," said Giovanni looking down. The emperor took his hand.

"You are my son. Nothing in this world can make you a stranger to me. Nothing will stop me from getting to know you," he said.

"Even if I asked you to leave them?" asked Giovanni, wanting to be chosen for once.

"Before I loved them as I love you? Yes. How will a parent choose one child over the other? I will choose all three of you now. If you asked me before those angels came into my life, I would have kept my distance for you," said the emperor.

"You wouldn't have been able to. I was just being an asshole asking that," said Giovanni.

"They are great kids," said the emperor.

"And haven't hurt you like I have," said Giovanni.

"We are human beings. We are bound to hurt each other," said the emperor.

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