Chapter 38

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Zhou Qing Bai, who returned at an unknown time, had clearly heard an earful from the door: "..."

He didn't even know that his wife had this ability to say one thing and mean another.

It was obvious that she was afraid he would get cold and be hungry. Forget last night, as she didn’t know what happened and looked after him. But this morning, he showed his card and she still gave him a bowl after he got back from old Zhou’s house. His three sons also received a share.

But toward his mother, it was this ruthless appearance.

She got two faces? (T/N:🤣)

He really didn't understand his wife.

Inside, Mother Zhou choked. Her mind said, 'this is your man, how is it not your business?'. But she knew she was angry now and no words can reach her. What's more, she can only accede instead of going against her. Otherwise, once old Fourth return, life would be up-ended.

"Father, hold me!" At this time, San Wa's voice sounded outside the door.

The little guy wandered out to see his father, and directly headed over to hug his leg as he asked.

Zhou Qing Bai picked up San Wa. At this time, Mother Zhou came out of the room.

"Mother, go back. There's no problem here." Holding San Wa, Zhou Qing Bai conveyed.

Mother Zhou was filled with worry. Looking at her youngest son, whose wife was about to run, she urged, "Old Fourth, come home with mum for a bit."

Zhou Qing Bai followed her the door, carrying San Wa. Mother Zhou whispered: "Old Fourth, you heard it just outside the door, right? You need to have a good talk your wife, understood? If you can't convince her to stay, then you really need to take care of Da Wa and his brothers by yourself."

Even if her son divorced like this, it would never be a problem to find another. But the main point was that it wasn't possible now. With three sons, how can he get married again? Marry one back to abuse her three grandsons?

Although Fourth's wife was like that, it was better than a stepmother, no matter how unreasonable the biological mother was.

Without waiting for her son to speak, Mother Zhou continued: "Go back and talk with your wife. Just promise her that she didn't have to work in the field. How she lived before is how it'll be in the future. It's enough that she can take care of your family. Next year, Da Wa will be able to gather pigweed to earn work points. The household putting in the effort can get headcount share, so even without her going to the field, you can still live well!"

Zhou Qing Bai nodded seriously: "I'll listen to Mother. I will explain it clearly to her."

He seemed to understand why his wife talked to his mother like that.

Of course, he wouldn't be so stupid to say it. He knew everything about earning work points. He won't make the living conditions at home become bad.

Only when she saw him agreed, did Mother Zhou go back. It just she was still worried.

At home, Lin Qing He acted like nothing happened. Seeing that it wasn't ten o'clock yet, she directed at Zhou Qing Bai: "I heard Mother said you have injuries. Come in and let me see."

As she said this, she took San Wa into her embrace.

Zhou Qing Bai glanced at her and said, "It's no big deal."

Lin Qing He just stared at him. Last night she was too shy. Now she can almost calmly face him. Her adaptability was very strong, especially when her commotion with Mother Zhou was witnessed by him. She felt that she could take the plunge.

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