Chapter 45

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Lin Qing He wasn't as carefree as she appeared. She couldn't sleep at all. She was disturbed by the man next door. What was happening?

Didn’t they come into an agreement when he returned? Everyone sleeps in separate rooms. The three boys sleep with her and he can sleep next door by himself. Why was he acting like this? He obviously wanted to return to here to sleep.

She must hold on. She cannot comply with everything according to his desire, otherwise, he would really think she was kind-hearted!

After secretly deciding, Lin Qing He dozed off.

The winter nap was also very comfortable. Lin Qing He slept until 2:30 in the afternoon. When she woke up, she saw Zhou Qing Bai sitting there on the edge of Kang. As for the sons, she didn’t know where they ran off to.

In this snowy weather, the three brothers can still mess about. Lin Qing He was prevailed by them. Their energy was like it was limitless.

"Where're the boys?" Although she knew it in her heart, Lin Qing He couldn't find anything else to talk about on the surface, so she asked.

Zhou Qing Bai sat next to her and at her words, he spoke: "Grab an apple and went to their grandparent's side."

Lin Qing He nodded and said, "Is the injury on your body completely healed?" If it's healed, then it's time to go to the mountain to see if there are rabbits or pheasants. Don't think about how to get back to my room at home all day.

"You check." Zhou Qing Bai said and started to undressed.

Lin Qing He: "..." On such cold day, you undress out of nowhere. What kind of flirty process is this?

Zhou Qing Bai only had three pieces on him. One was close-fitting top, one was the sweater knitted by Lin Qing He, and lastly was a military coat.

He came over and sat on her kang. Without the military coat, he only had two pieces, and they soon came off.

Lin Qing He saw that his injury was basically fine, and uttered: "It looks fine, but I don't know about the inside. Let's nurture it so more."

"Wife." Zhou Qing Bai just stared at her without putting on his clothes.

"On this cold day, are you not cold? Hurry up and dress. Don't catch a cold and need me to wait on you." Lin Qing He didn't dare to meet his eyes and waved her hand.

"I'll go back to the room tonight." Zhou Qing Bai put on his clothes and announced lightly.

This held no room for discussion with her. It felt like it was just letting her know.

Lin Qing He was still muddled even after he left. Then she snorted and mentally voiced out, you can try returning the room tonight!

After resting on the bed for a while, Lin Qing He took some grapes out of the space and secretly snacked on them.

She occasionally fed San Wa the grapes. Only Sanwa. No one else gets it. There was no other choice. They were too big. Too expressive. They can accidentally expose this.

Then she examined the supplies in the space again.

Have to say, the materials in the space were consumed a good chunk during this time. There were half of the apples left. The pears was also half. This was consumed relatively less. The most she took out was the apples for the three children to snack on.

More than half a box of grapes was left. She ate this by herself occasionally, and then fed San Wa once in a while. Not much got depleted.

This was fruit. As for the supplies, four bags of rice was consumed. One bag equivalent to 20 jins.

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