Chapter 160

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Lin Qing He wasn't joking said she was afraid of Zhou Qing Bai not having to go to work. She was truly afraid.

This man had been strictly trained in the army. His physical abilities were extraordinary.

After he came back, he did manual labor non-stop.

On top of that, Lin Qing He was afraid that he would lose his vitality and end up with permanent aches, so she did her utmost to make good food to nourish him.

That's why, even if he worked all day, he was still fine and very strong.

During the winter isolation, there was nowhere to vent his body full of energy. Then who will that be directed at?

Lin Qing He bore the brunt.

Every morning when she woke up with sore legs and sore waist, she thought about making him eat the flatbread and drink cold water.

Once the food got served to the table, it showed she didn't heartlessness in the end. She had carried whatever good stuff onto the table. This caused the man to get an inch, want a foot.

After the winter wheat was planted, the meat was divided.

When the meat distribution happened, Zhou Qing Bai went to gather firewood, just like the former years.

This winter, Lin Qing He wasn't kidding. She really felt very cold. As of this month, she had to put on the cotton coat.

Da Wa, Er Wa, and San Wa also layered up with sweaters.

Lin Qing He had checked with Father Zhou and Mother Zhou: "Father, Mother, do you have enough warm clothes? If it is not enough, let me know."

"Enough. You bought the three jins of wool last year. Your father and I both have one piece. It's very warm." Mother Zhou smiled in reply.

Have to say, despite Fourth's wife being a big spender, she treated them very well.

How much is a jin of wool? It cost more than twenty yuan.

It's so expensive that it was shocking. Most people were reluctant to buy it. However, Fourth's wife weighed out three jins for them last year and let them knit sweaters.

Although it was expensive, she got to say that this sweater was really cozy when wearing it.

"I think, you're short of two woolen pants." Lin Qing He said.

In the winter, it was really terribly cold with icy weather and snowy ground. The Kang had to be burned three times a day, otherwise, it wasn't enough.

"No need. Really, no need," Mother Zhou quickly refused.

"Make two, Mother. Don't worry, still got money at home to spend." Lin Qing He whispered.

Mother Zhou smiled: "Mother knows you are filial, but you still have to leave some money for the boys."

"Mother, you're still worried about Da Wa having no money to marry a wife in the future?" Lin Qing He looked at her in surprise when she heard this.

Mother Zhou replied, "Better to be prepared for it."

"Mother, don't tell me, you and Father are helping the boys save marriage fund?" Lin Qing He said.

Mother Zhou just smiled and said nothing.

Lin Qing He was touched but didn't know what to say.

Second Sister-in-law kept saying that the old couple was biased toward her family. Seriously, Lin Qing He didn't feel anything before now.

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