Chapter 128

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"Who would deny that. The family had already split. The two old ones are eating with Fourth's family, it goes without saying that their share will be sent to Fourth's house. Our own family also has work points, we won't eye on Father and Mother's meat." Third Sister-in-law followed up.

The other people nearby had some opinions when Wang Ling spoke out, but after Eldest Sister-in-law and Third Sister-in-law's words, they said nothing.

Who in the village doesn’t know now that the old Zhou couple didn't open fire anymore (i.e. cook) and ate with their old Fourth?

Therefore, it was normal for the meat to be sent to Fourth's home.

Wang Ling didn't say anything once she saw that everyone was not on her side.

It was only Second Sister-in-law who kept a terrible expression, especially when it was her turn. Her family could only get a cut of three jins of meat.

One must know, Lin Qing He got a large piece of fatty meat just now, while she got a cut of three jins!

What about the other meat?

Because she bought a good bit of ribs and bones, it looked like a hefty amount. Due to these being cheaper, she requested more of these.

After the meat distribution and reaching home, Second Sister-in-law's face was still very unsightly.

On the other hand, Second Brother was very delighted and said, "Let's eat dumplings tonight!"

After a long day of exhaustion, eating dumplings were still affordable.

"Eat, eat, eat! All you know is to eat. What do you know besides eating!"Second Sister-in-law lashed out.

Second Brother was shocked. He just wanted to eat dumplings. Why did he get yelled at? He said: "What's with you now? Who has angered you?"

Second Sister-in-law gritted her teeth, "Just now, Mother was with Fourth's wife during the meat distribution and got allocated a big barrel!"

"What's the matter? Father and Qing Bai both get ten work points." Second Brother responded.

Two sets of ten work point ah! Think how much meat was given this time?

"All those meat was sent to Fourth's place!" Second Sister-in-law continued on.

"What is there to say? Father and Mother are eating over there now. If the meat isn't sent over there, then where?" Perplexed, Second Brother responded.

He really couldn't understand what was going on with his wife.

"Say, how about letting Father and Mother come and eat with us?" Suggested Second Sister-in-law.

She felt it was better to let her in-laws eat with her family. Currently, Father-in-law was still able to move and can earn ten work points. Although Mother-in-law wasn't working in the field, the child will soon grow up and she'll be free to gather pigweeds in exchange for work point.

So there was no loss.

"You can really think. How can your cooking compare to Fourth's wife? Didn't you see how delighted my parents were since they headed over there for meals?" Second Brother laughed.

He knew that his father and mother were over the moon. And he had to admit that his father and his mother looked much better since they joined Fourth's family during the meal. It evident how good the food there was.

His wife wanted his parents to come to his house to eat. It'll be strange if his parents were to be happy with his family's pickled vegetables and vegetable lumps.

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