Chapter 62

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"I'm warning you, we can't provoke this sister of yours, better to hide. You can't intervene in her matters, you hear?" Third Sister-in-law Lin immediately commanded.

In the past, her man had carried firewood or whatnot for her, but the military coat still ended up in the second branch's possession and not her man. Third Brother Lin didn't mind about this, while Third Sister-in-law Lin was mad.

"How can I intervene? I have no money." Third Brother Lin expressed.

"Some time ago you went to work as a small worker, that wages should be paid?" Third Sister-in-law brought up.

"The day after tomorrow." Third Brother Lin replied.

Third Sister-in-law Lin counted the days. Once Third Brother Lin gets the money, she'll take it straight away.

"Are you sure there are only two yuans?" Third Sister-in-law eyed him.

"It included lunch. If not, then it won't be two yuans." Third Brother Lin retorted grumpily.

Third Sister-in-law Lin didn't say anything. Third Brother Lin said he wanted to go to the mountains to test his luck. Now he was idle at home, his wife didn't stop him.

Third Brother Lin came to find Lin Qing He. Lin Qing He had already thrown the trip to the old Lin family two days ago to settle the accounts to the back of her mind.

She didn't plan to go back and make a large fuss. That was just a reminder to let old Lin's family know they can't make any demand from her. There was no way now.
When she came back, she tossed this matter to the side and never thought about it.

She didn't anticipate that Third Brother Lin would come over.

Lin Qing He came out and saw him. She blandly spoke: "Why are you here? Did you not hear from your wife? Now my family is poorly off, aren't you afraid of being clutched onto by us, poor relatives by coming here?"

"This was earned by me as a small worker some time ago. Sister, please take it and use it sparingly. Don't be as extravagant as before." Third Brother Lin took two yuans out of his pocket, paying no heeds to her words.

A total of four yuans. He gave his wife two dollars and the rest were here.

Lin Qing He was taken aback from the two yuans given by him. Then she put it away. Looking at him, she remarked, "I haven't dote you before for nothing."

Although the original owner's dote was only verbally, the actual thing was benefitted by the white-eyed wolf, Second Brother Lin.

Third Brother Lin coaxed: "Jiefu is a good man. Sister, you got to harmoniously live with Jiefu. He can support you."

"I know. I will. Come in and drink some ginger soup to warm your body." Lin Qing He said.

"No need. I'm going back now." Third Brother Lin shook his head. He left without entering the house.

When Lin Qing He sent him out, only Er Wa and San Wa were in the house. Da Wa and his father went up the mountain to see if they can chance upon any wild game.

But this time, he didn't catch anything. When the father and son returned, their hands were empty.

Er Wa told his father that Xiaojiu had just come by and stuffed money over to his mother. That's right, he saw it.

Zhou Qing Bai nodded in acknowledgment. That night during bedtime, he waited for the children to fall asleep before he asked Lin Qing He.

Lin Qing He gave a brief recount of old Lin family's reaction, "I never expected that my only younger brother has a conscience."

[Part 1] Back To The Sixties: Farm, Get Wealthy & Raise The CubsWhere stories live. Discover now