Chapter 93

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This time Zhou Xiao Mei came back to help Su Da Lin pass the message, he intends to come over to meet her parents.

Then, find a prosperous day to hold the wedding, like this, they'll be married.

Marrying was so fast in this era.

Once a mutual connection formed, they can get married the next day. Everything else was simple.

Of course, even if they wanted something complicated, there was none.

Lin Qing He was already prepared, while the old Lin Zhou family was preparing for separation recently.

Zhou Xiao Mei's matter came at a perfect time.

Father Zhou and Mother Zhou decided to wait until they marry off their youngest daughter, and then they separate the family.

Su Da Lin came over the next day along with Da Lin's Jiu and Aunt. They had prepared adequate gifts.

There was sugar, snacks, and the likes. In short, it was decent for this meeting and had the intention to place importance here. If not, they would not prepare such a good gift.

Although Father Zhou and Mother Zhou felt that Su Da Lin's stuttering was not a good point, the two of them had self-awareness, knowing if it was not this shortcoming, how could their daughter marry to such a family?

A forty square home as well as a permanent job. Once married over, she was the matriarch. And the four major wedding presents were all sorted out. (T/N: 4 major household items that people wanted in the late 1950s - radio, bicycle, sewing machine and watch)

Toward such marriage for Zhou Xiao Mei, they didn't have much to say. The conditions were excellent.

After Su Da Lin and his Jiu and aunt left, Mother Zhou was overjoyed: "No wonder Da Wa's Mother said this marriage is top-notch. This marriage is really superb."

"Only have some stuttering," Zhou Father said.

"What's wrong with stuttering? It's not he's mute. What's more, the most important thing in life is to make money, the rest is nothing." Mother Zhou retorted.

All in all, this marriage was settled, at the end of this month.

Although Lin Qing He had witness the speed of people getting married in this era, she was still shocked by the speed.

The next step was the dowry.

Lin Qing He returned from the county city that day with a brand new quilt.

She had already prearranged the cotton and ordered it. Although it was only five jins, it was a quality new quilt.

"I'm giving this new quilt to Guzi as a dowry. These two soaps were also prepared for her. When the time comes, let her take them together." Lin Qing He cycled to old Zhou's House and directly gave Mother Zhou the quilt and the soap she has taken from her space as she explained.

"No need for so much." Mother Zhou didn't expect that she would give so many things to Xiao Mei for her marriage, said.

Whether it was the quilt or these two soaps that were not cheap at first glance, they were excellent goods.

"It's a bit much." Eldest Sister-in-law remarked with slight unease.

"How can we compare with Da Wa's Mother? What kind of living condition she has and what kind is our?" said Second Sister-in-law.

Third Sister-in-law remained silent.

Lin Qing He solemnly glanced at Third Sister-in-law: "If you have something to talk about, then talk. Don't cover it all in sour air. If you have the ability, ask your man to earn for you to spend. If you don't have the ability, shut up."

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